Thursday, January 17, 2013

I'm like post! And then I'm like, but about what?!

Hey guys!!!

I just really want to post but I don't know what to post about! Ugh! My life is complicated. Well lets see, midterms are next week. I'm super duper scared for geometry, biology, and French. I suck at those subjects. Yeah, what else??? Well today is mine and Wesley's one year anniversary since we started talking. This is what he said to me today, I almost cried but then I was like well I'm on the bus soooo better not. Haha.

Kylie bear your the best. I cant believe its actually been a full year but either way it was the best year ever and I got to spend it with the best and hottest girl in the world. We made it through one year now lets make through another and another forever my love. I love you so so so so much and hopefully this year will have way more ups than downs

Is that not the cutest thing ever?!?! He calls me Kylie bear. Ahhhh I've been on cloud 9 all day! Just OMG! I love him so much.

So I found this super amazing picture.

I love it!!! Well I found 2 more that are like super duper amazing.

Like OMG! Is it not the cutest thing ever?! And then I found this one which made me like scream.

I just love Ellen Degeneres! She's hilarious!!

So I guess I'll just end the post here with this picture.

Oh my gosh I'm loving these!! Is that not adorable???

Hahaha well TTYL!!!!

PS I'm in a super good mood if you couldn't tell.

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