Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Hello my dear friends!

I've been thinking lately (okay so actually my journalism teacher brought this up) but why are people so mean to each other? Life is difficult enough as it is without all the hate we all experience.

My journalism teacher was telling us a story the other day about a girl in her class when she was in 2nd grade. I don't remember the girls name so we'll just call her Alexa because I like that name. She was telling us how when she was in 2nd grade there was a girl named Alexa and nobody liked her. There was no reason for it, Alexa was a nice girl but everyone hated her. Whenever they'd be at recess Alexa would be the girl that when she came over to the swings with everybody else, everyone would leave. But as my journalism teacher said, even though at school when Alexa was bullied, she was able to go home to a family that loved her and forget it all until school the next day.

Now, with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all of those other social media websites and apps, we can never get away from the meanness. At school you may be bullied and have to eat lunch alone and have nobody want to be your partner, and then you go home, and instead of being able to not think about it until the next day, it continues. You come home and check your Facebook and Twitter and have mean messages and things like that. It never goes away.

My teacher has 2 children, a son who's 2 and a daughter who's 4. And she told us that she worries for them. If its this bad now, what's it going to be like when her kids are teenagers? Our world is messed up. We have men killing innocent children at schools (I'm still very bitter about the whole Sandy Hook thing)! It's ridiculous. It scares me to think about what it might be like when I have kids. Am I ever going to want them to even leave the house?

Why can't we all just be nice to each other? Why did we let it get to the pointe (such a dancer), that kids and teenagers are killing themselves because of this. It's wrong and there's no reason for it!

Life is hard, I'm sure we've all experienced that. We all have enough to worry about with grades and money and all of that, why do we need to add bullying and hatred to that?

Yes, I can be mean to my siblings, I do it all the time. But I'd never go as far as to be mean to one of my peers.

I've been lucky enough to have never been bullied. I'm lucky enough to be able to enjoy life and not have to be scared to go to school. Everybody should be able to be themselves, nobody should have to change just to please their classmates. Why can't we just get along?
Think about it.

Sorry, to rant about this, it just bothers me. But now to lighten the mood...

Hahaha! I just can not get enough of these!

Now, I've got midterms to study for and a nickname to think of.


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