Monday, February 11, 2013

All good things must come to an end

Its like when you're eating your favorite food and then its gone or go on vacation and then the weeks over. Or reading your favorite book series and it ends or watching a TV show and it gets canceled. Or in my case, you're in an amazing relationship and its the best thing that's ever I happened to you and then your boyfriend decided to break up with you.

When you're at Costco and its really crowded and you're really annoyed and then your boyfriends sister texts you and is like "Wesley said to check your Facebook" and then your boyfriend texts you and hes like "look at your Facebook" so you beg your sister for her phone since you don't have an iphone and she's like "yeah but you have to let me read the message" so you agree and you start to log into your Facebook and your hands are shaking really badly cause you just don't know what it says and then you read it and it says that he wants to break up and then your hands start shaking even more and your eyes get really watery so you take a deep breath and type "I understand" but you're still in an extremely crowded Costco and now your mom is continuously asking you the same question over and over again, you want to die.

Basically that's what happened to me yesterday. You guys don't understand, I wanted to die. I was so sad. I loved him well actually I still do. I love him a lot, like it hurts. And he's gone forever, most likely. So I've been trying to think of the good things, this is all I got...

  • I don't have to name my son a name I really didn't want to name him.
Yup, that's all. I literally can't think of anything else, he was perfect.

And then today, I saw him in the morning before French, talking to some girl. But when is he not? Every time I see him he's talking to some girl or hugging some girl or some girl is screaming his name. But then some girl comes and slaps his butt!! I was so mad I literally growled at the girl! Talk about embarrassing! I don't think she noticed but still, that was stupid of me but I was so mad. I just growled at her and stomped away.

I told him I wasn't that upset by it but honestly, I am. I'm so hurt. A few months ago he wrote me this poem (I really hope he doesn't mind me doing this but I don't think he even reads my blog anymore):

Your smile haunts me constantly
You're wrapped around in my memory
I can't help myself
I can't stop thinking about you

You've got me in a frenzy
Your smile drives me crazy
Time flies when you're having fun, they say
But with you its slow motion everyday

The beautiful look of you drowns me away
Into a world of fantasy
You're sweet and beautiful Kylie
And I'll ALWAYS be you're amazing Wesley

I just can't get enough of you
Yes it's so true
These feelings I hope you can see
Because your beauty mesmerizes me

He didn't capitalize always, I did to pointe out that that was a lie! I'm sure he didn't mean for it to be a lie but it was. Guys, I'm so sad! I thought we would be together forever, but maybe that was just me being stupid.

Oh well, it is what it is. I just wanted to let you guys know that we broke up :'(


UPDATE: Hey guys, I just wanted to make it clear that our relationship wasn't perfect towards the end. We fought a lot, sometimes because of what I did and sometimes what he did. But it was perfect at first and I always just liked to believe it would be perfect again. I also was not trying to criticize his poem. I love that poem and even though we aren't together anymore I plan on keeping it forever because it means so much to me. He had a reason for breaking up with me, I don't exactly know what it was but I think I know what it was. Well I know what the last thing we were fighting about was. I'm sure other stuff played a role in us breaking up. Anyway, it was requested that I make that clear so sorry if I confused anyone.

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