Thursday, February 7, 2013

January highlights and February upcomings :P

Heyyy guys!!

So its February! Ya! Its like the last month of winter, like seriously, like I'm gonna stop saying like haha yea....

Anyway! I'm in a good mood, I have been a lot lately. Life is good!

January Highlights!

  • My Nana died :( well she actually died on the last day of 2012 but yeah. I know I posted about this already but yeah, so we had her funeral and stuff. Sad times, sad times.
  • We had our first and probably last snow day of the year!
  • We made tons of videos with my cousins. Fun, fun, fun!
  • We got the dance recital theme. When I Grow Up! Its gonna be super duper fun. I'm being fire fighters for tap and scientists for lyrical. Super excited!!!
  • Midterms!!! Ahh! Guys I didn't do very well. I don't want to talk about it...
So I think thats all but knowing me I'm probably forgetting something super important. 

Coming up in February!
  • My dads birthday was a few days ago. I forget to do a post about that. Oops. Well happy belated birthday to the most wonderful father ever! 
  • Anastasiya's birthday and her birthday party
  • Anastasiya's mom is having a baby
  • Valentines day!
  • Photography in Journalism
  • The Beach!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yah!!! I can't wait for the beach! I'll definitely post about it. 


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