Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Break Day 5!

Hey guys!

So today was our 5th day of spring break.

My mom and I went shopping to get my Easter dress. It looks like this:

Very simple, but I like it. So after shopping Leanna and I had dentist appointments and I have 3 cavities!!!!! Ahhh!!!!! I'm so annoyed about it.

After the dentist we went to the park with Sierra and Wesley and vlogged a little and that was about it. It was actually kinda a waste of 40 minutes. Haha.

Leftovers for dinner, so I ate lasagna and then we hung out as a family which is always a good time. Now everyone has gone to bed and I'm just on my laptop, chilling. Lol.

Tomorrow we go to a safari drive through thing and its gonna be soooo fun!!!!!


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