Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Happy (Late) Memorial Day!

Hey guys!

So yesterday was Memorial Day, obviously. I forgot to post about it, haha sorry.

So on Saturday the pool opened but it was like 10 degrees outside so we didn't go. Lol on Sunday it went up to 20 degrees so we decided to go but it was still like really cold so we didn't swim very much and then yesterday, Monday, it was like 25 degrees so we swam a bit more but I mostly just stayed out of the water with Katelyn. Hahaha, clearly it wasn't that cold. It was more like in the high 60s and mid-low 70s lol.

Today Leanna had her friend Shaelin over and we went to the pool again because it was like 90 degrees today and we swam a lot more. But then it started thundering so we had to leave which wasn't fun.

Okay so we just finished SOLs, so here are my scores.

Pre-AP World Geography-419
Pre-AP Biology-462
Pre-AP Geometry-401

I did really bad this year. I mean, I passed them all, thank God, but if I had missed one more question on Geometry I would have failed it. I remember the days when I always got 600s or in the high 500s. Ah, Elementary school, so much better than high school. Haha.

I find it odd how when you're little you can't wait to grow up but then you become a teenager and realize that life sucks butt. I mean, I shouldn't say that, I love my life, but its so hard and stressful. Thankfully I only have 3 weeks of school left. I can do this you guys, and then my freshman year will be over. Be looking forward to my Throughout the Years-9th grade. Its going to be a good one. This year, like, changed me.

Well enough of my ramblings. Enjoy this picture....

I hate that! Anastasiya does that to me all the time!!!!!

I think I posted this one before but it got deleted I think. But I just think its really funny. Hahaha :p


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