Sunday, May 19, 2013

Update! 5/19/2013

Hey guys!!!!

Long time, no post. Actually its only been like 6 days. But still! Hi! Hahaha

So, I haven't done an update in awhile so I wanted to do one today.

In family news...

Well nothing actually is really going on. Brandon just recently had his 15th birthday, well on May 8th. I didn't do a post but I literally did my cousins post right before that and I talked about him then, so ya. Umm what else? My cousin Kelsi is going to be having her baby in like 2 months and my aunt is getting married in a few weeks so that's exciting.
Oh! My grandmother recently broke her foot and needed crutches. But she doesn't need them anymore so she gave them to me! I am having so much fun with those things! Hahah and TJ hurt his knee but its nothing serious which is good.

Lets move onto friend news...

Umm nothing has really happened with my friends. Lol. I'll just include Wesley in this section because I just want to say that I may not be completely over that guy yet, and I honestly don't see myself getting over him anytime soon. And I'm very mad because we would be actually dating by now, but I have learned that clearly he is not the guy for me and I don't even want him back because he bothers me. I'm just not over him, but that is okay.
Oh! Anastasiya is able to text now so that's fun. But yeah that's all that's going on with my friends :)

School news...

SOLs are coming up this week. Ahhh and then after that we have finals. But I only have to take 2 so yay! I only have 17 days of school left but it'll be less once I figure out finals and what not. So that is pretty amazing. My freshman year went by like so fast. I can't wait to do my Throughout the Years: 9th Grade post. This year was insane.
Umm we're watching Jurassic Park in French class in the French language and I still don't know why because we aren't learning about dinosaurs in that class. We're learning about going to the doctor. But whatever.
I found out that I'm going to be in charge of the Sophomore section of the yearbook next year along with this other girl so that is really exciting. I can't wait!


So last week was my last week of dance, I don't have dance this week because of a concert, the next week is rehearsals, and then its recital that weekend! Oh my gosh! Its so close and I am so excited!! Both of my dances are in the first half of the recital so at intermission we're going to change out of our costumes and watch the second half of the recital in the audience. I really can not wait! I'll be sure to post videos and pictures after rehearsal next week.


Our last concert is coming up this Wednesday, which is why I have to miss my last dance class. But yeah, after that I don't even know what we're going to do in that class. Haha, but whatever. Next year I'm going to be in advanced orchestra at my school so that'll be fun.

My favorites...

Still loving Ellen of course! I'm also loving Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars because they're freaking amazing. I've been reading and watching Gossip Girl lately, I'm like addicted. Its so good! I've also been obsessed with this website, Full House Reviewed. Its about the show Full House, obviously. But it's just really funny. The guy who runs the site hates the show and so he reviews each episode and although I love the show, the website really makes you realize how stupid the show is. Haha. I've also been loving my Iphone and my laptop so ya! And my all time favorite song right now is, The Way by Ariana Grande. I could listen to it on repeat. Dance Moms comes back on June 4th! Can't wait!

So yeah, I just wanted to update you guys on my life right now! I'll talk to you later!!!!



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