Do any of you have this problem where you're sitting in class and you start thinking about something and that leads to something else and then something else and next thing you know your brain is just on a completely different planet?
I have this problem every day. I'll be sitting in physics and just thinking about dance and then I realize I'm not paying attention so I start wondering if anyone else is paying attention and then I wish I could read peoples minds and then I start thinking about super powers and super heroes and then I think about my Halloween tutorial because it's gonna be Super Girl and then I start thinking about different ways I could edit and then I think about YouTube and eventually I come back to earth and my whole class has taken a field trip and a test and lit the classroom on fire...
That probably didn't make any sense but my point is, my mind wanders too much and I need to make it stop. That's all I wanted to say about that haha. I've just been thinking about thinking and I wanted to write down my thoughts about my thinking.
In other news, I got bitten by a cat the other day. Katelyn and I were filming outside and this cat comes running up to us. So I'm petting it and it's being all cute and then all of a sudden it just sinks its two nasty teeth into my hand! I was bleeding! I'm like 97% sure I have rabies now so I just want you all to know that if I start randomly puking you need to call 911. Seriously! That cat was just so rude! You don't just go around biting people like that!
Homecoming is coming up and I'm super excited! I really love my dress and I can't wait to post pictures for you guys! And this year I actually have a date! Because, you know, I have a boyfriend. Apparently he's asking me tomorrow so we'll see how that goes and I'll hopefully remember to post about that!
For some funny reason the space bar on my laptop is being a huge pain so I'm gonna have to end this post here. I know, I never post and when I do it's the stupidest things but I'm trying! Kinda!
I love you guys!
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