Friday, December 28, 2012

Throughout the years 7th grade!

Hey guys!

So I feel like I should take down my Christmas background and stuff but I just don't want to yet so I think I'm gonna leave it up for like another week.

My great grandmother is dying :( if you guys could pray that her suffering ends soon that would be great. It's a tough time for my family right now. Especially my grandmother because her mom is the only family she has left. I mean she has like her husband and kids and grand kids. But once my great grandmother dies it'll just be her.

Anyway! Sorry if I bummed you guys out, just thought I'd let you know. So today I'm going to be continuing with my throughout the years.

7th grade wasn't that big of a year. Like, in a way it was because it was my first year in middle school (our school district does Elementary K-4, then has an intermediate school which is 5 and 6, and then middle school is 7 and 8 and high school is regular 9-12). I was soo scared to go to middle school but it wasn't bad at all. I actually really enjoyed it sometimes.

This year I also met Anastasiya so that's cool. Ginny and I were in the same classes which was also really nice. This year my English teacher had to switch some of us to another English class and she chose me, I was soo mad, I cried...

She luckily also chose Anastasiya which made me and Anastasiya even closer. My new English teacher was crazy. Its funny because Leanna has her this year. She really is a loon. But yea, my first English teacher ended up getting pancreatic cancer and dying :(

This was the year that my dance company moved studios, it also happened to be the companies 40th year so the theme was Memory Lane and we did dances that had been done in the past. It was a really cool theme. For Tap we were the Chorus Line and Jazz we were Dance Dance Revolution.

Oh! I turned 13 this year which was cool. For my birthday I invited my friends Ginny, Lauren, Anastasiya, and Olivia to go swimming at an indoor pool and then come to my house afterwards, what I didn't know was that my parents had thrown me a surprise party! So that was super cool.

Overall it was a pretty good year. Nothing super special happened, but good year. And now it is picture time!

Here was our Christmas card from that year. Do I look fat? I think I do...

Wrong year, but I swear I am always caught at the worst times!

At the Air and Space museum. Here's what I have to say, TJ desperately needed his hair cut, Katelyn looks overly excited, Leanna looks fine and I have red ears. Haha.

LOL! TJ! Haha. I think it was sunny but yeah we're at the circus.

Easter. I look tired.

Easter again.

TJ's first communion. My mom was taking the picture.

Chorus line! Again, I look fat.

Hahaha my face! Oh gosh, we had just gotten done dancing. Chilling backstage, I was tired.

I made this dress in 7th grade.

Poor Scamp broke his leg.

So yeah! That's all! Hope you enjoyed!


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