Sunday, December 30, 2012

Best of 2012 and 2012 highlights coming up in 2013!

Hey guys!!

It is almost 2013! I wanted to save this post for tomorrow but I just wanted to do it today. So here it is!

Best of 2012:

 There isn't that many of these but I decided to do it anyway.

  1. Favorite TV show- mine is definitely Dance Moms. I just love that show to death!
  2. Favorite Movie- its between 2 for me. Hunger Games I of course loved to death and I think I'd have to pick this one. But I also loved Pitch Perfect, so yeah.
  3. Favorite book- Hunger Games all the way! I love the whole trilogy, but the first one is def my fave!
  4. Favorite food- I'd have to say spaghetti! Its always been my favorite food but I also love my moms famous macaroni because it is the best movie ever!
  5. Favorite beverage- Slurpees!!! These things are my life, I literally drank about 500 this year. Haha.
  6. Favorite song- okay so this is hard. I love Taylor Swift and her new CD "Red" is definitely amazing. But seriously, I found this the other day and have been listening to it non stop! OMG! Its like just a bunch of pop songs from the year all mixed into one. Its super catchy and I memorized it. Haha even if you don't listen to pop songs, you should listen to it because it is just super duper catchy.
Okay. So now its time for 2012 highlights!

2012 highlights 

  • My neighbors had a baby, he's so cute :)
  • This is the first year we like actually watched the Super Bowl, it was boring...
  • I read the Hunger Games!!!!!!!!!!
  • I also saw the Hunger Games!!!!!!!
  • I started talking to the most amazingly, amazing guy ever :)
  • I turned 14!
  • My cousin got married, such a fun wedding
  • I graduated from middle school!
  • I got to see my dads side of the family
  • My aunt got married
  • I started high school!!
  • I got a new cousin, super cute little girl
  • 2 years of blogging
  • Got internet on my phone and a kindle fire!
  • I'm taking lyrical for the first time! Love it!
  • The world didn't end! Not that I ever though it would. Haha.
I think thats all the main things for 2012. 

Now upcoming in 2013!

  • 1 year since I started talking to Wesley <3
  • Going to the beach in February! Its going to be really different since we always go in the summer.
  • I can get my permit this year. In December. Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!
  • I turn 15!
  • I'm gonna be a sophomore. Oh yeah! Lol JK I don't really care that much.
Yeah. That's all I know about right now. I'll be back tomorrow, but I hope 2013 is a great year for you all!
Happy New Years Adam!
Get it, cause Adam came before Eve??? Haha I'm gonna shut up now.


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