Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Throughout the Years 8th Grade

Hey guys!

Today I'm gonna do my Throughout the Years 8th grade! This is my last one until the end of this year when I can do 9th grade. I remember when I first started this and said I would do one once a week? I can't remember. But I ended up not doing whatever it was. Haha. So yeah, anyway, here you go!

8th grade was a pretty good year. I didn't have Ginny in any of my classes but I had Anastasiya which made me super duper happy. We had soo much fun this year! Of course there were some bad things. For one, we had a horrible algebra teacher. He literally through markers at students and one time he screamed this at us "YOU GUYS THINK YOU KNOW EVERY GOD DAMN THING BUT YOU DON'T KNOW SH*T!!" I don't really know why he decided to scream that at us, he was really mad. He was a horrible teacher, he was 56 and it was his first year teaching and he didn't teach us anything. I actually came close to failing my SOL that year, people who are straight A students failed that SOL because of him, including Anastasiya. It was just bad, I really feel like he should have been fired but he's still there and I feel bad for his students. My English teacher wasn't the best either, she was nice but just not a good teacher, I get a perfect score on all of my English SOL's and I got a 520 on this one, still pass advanced but I was very upset with myself. My Civics and Science teachers I loved though and I loved my encore teacher too.
I started French this year and I liked it, the teacher was kinda crazy but I liked it and we got to go to DC on a field trip for French and that was really fun.
This year Anastasiya got tendinitis and missed like a week of school and was on crutches for awhile so she couldn't participate in PE and that was really upsetting to me. One of the worse things that happened this year was that 2 students in my grade passed away. That was really hard for everyone, especially since I'm pretty sure it was the first time that had happened to any of us.

For dance this year the theme was Lets go to the Movies and that was really fun. For tap we were Dance With Me and for jazz we were Save the Last Dance. Both dance movies, it was fun but our jazz dance was a mess. Still fun.

For my birthday this year I just had a sleepover and then a family party the next day and I got my Kindle Fire!! And then on my actual birthday I went to the movies and then I had dance for an hour and then after that we went out to dinner. Fun fun.

The summer before 9th grade but we'll count it as 8th grade my cousin and my aunt got married. So ya!

This year I started talking to Wesley, yes I talk about him way to much, I know, sorry guys. But it really did change my life. Like, it was the best thing ever!


This was my turtle Bug, we let him go.

Here's a bad picture of our other turtle Shelly, she only had 3 legs. We rescued her.

Taking Christmas card pictures. Gotta love my antlers!

 Christmas Eve, I look pregnant, I don't know what was going on with my dress there. This is like a horrible picture of me, wow.

Mine and Leanna's presents from Santa. Mine are in blue. There was a TV behind that. Pretty darn good Christmas.

Anastasiya in DC!

Easter! Let's just pretend I'm not making that face and ignore TJ, he's a freak.

I love this picture of Scamp that I took. He's so cute!

For my Civics community service project I helped out with one of the Religious Education classes at my church. Yes, that is my cousins and my siblings. Shhhh.....don't tell my teacher!

St. Patricks day. What was I looking at? I don't know!

This just describes what getting a cousin picture in my family is like. Nobody is paying any attention! 

This is from a museum over spring break.

Dance recital! These are our Dance With Me costumes and Katelyn's in her Herbie Fully Loaded costume.

Save The Last Dance.

My cousins wedding.
Awwww its super cute! 


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