Thursday, January 3, 2013

Update! 1/3/2013

Haha! I almost wrote 2012...

Hey guys!

So, I feel like I haven't really told you guys like whats been going on in awhile. Like I have, but I haven't. I'm just gonna tell you anyway.

So lets see. Well its now officialy 2013! Yay! JK! I don't really care. Actually I do but I mean like I enjoyed 2012 so I'm not like soo glad its over. Although I am glad we survived the end of the world, I mean I never really did believe in it, but I'm glad we didn't die and I'm glad that people will stop talking about it now. Haha.

So family news. My great grandmother died on Monday, December 31, 2012. I really am sad that shes gone but in a way I'm kind of happy too. What I mean by this is that I know she's in Heaven with God and with her husband who died before I was born. I also know she was suffering a lot these past few years and she's not anymore. My grandmother has been taking care of her these past few years so now that she's gone my grandmother will get a break. She won't have all of the responsibility of taking care of her mom, and although I know she loved her mom and didn't mind, its good that she's free from it now. So yes, I of course am sad that she died, but I've been looking at the positive side of it and I'm okay and so is my family. I just keep thinking that I will see her again. Her funeral is on Monday and I get to miss school! I'm very happy about this indeed :)
In other family news, my mom has been crazy busy with work because one of her shows is coming up a week from tomorrow. Her shows are basically like business trips. She'll be gone for a week which sucks butt but I'm pretty used to it now.
So yeah, other than that nothing has really been happening in my family.

So friend news, nothing has really been happening. Of course I miss Anastasiya and oh you guys, I almost kissed Wesley. Ahhh!!!! I didn't though, but I'm going to, tomorrow!! OMG! I am like super excited and scared ahhhh!!!!!!! Oh my, my parents might read this, or my grandmother, oh dear. Don't yell at me!!! Hehehe. I really really really like him you guys!
Other than that nothings been going on with my friends lately.

Dance news! I seriously love lyrical! Its super fun and really challenging and I love it. So, our dance recital theme this year is When I Grow Up and we're being different occupations and what not. For tap we're being firefighters and dancing to Great Balls of Fire. For lyrical we're being scientists and dancing to Radioactive, this dance is freaking amazing so far and I'm in love with the song! So yeah, loving dance right now! Well, I always am. I'll definitely post videos of our dances when we have our dress rehearsal so you guys can see themmmmm. Its not until May though, haha.

School news. School is just boring. I really don't like biology its so stupid! Like that class is torture. French is boring too. The good news is that I fixed my grades. I had a D on my last report card people! A D! I cried...
But yeah, I have A's and B's now, so I'm all good, back on the honor roll :) So midterms are coming up, I am freaking out, because that means I have to study and I hate studying! I'm really worried about French, Biology and Geometry. All the others I'm not worried about though.

Orchestra news. I got a new violin!! I love it and this is my last new one, I've had 5 haha. But this one is mine forever and I love it so much. We have a concert coming up on February 27 and then we have festival sometime in March so fun, fun, fun.

So now I get to talk about some of my favoritest things evah at the moment. I am a huge Ellen Degeneres fan. The women is amazing, she's funny and nice and just awesome! I'm addicted to her show (I'm addicted to a lot) and yeah. So for Christmas I got her book Seriously...I'm Kidding. Okay people, if you haven't read it you have to. I'm going to let you all borrow it once I'm done, well not really since a lot of you don't even live in the same state as me. Haha. But you have to read it, its super duper hilarious!! I've also been loving Bruno Mars lately, especially his songs Locked out of Heaven and Count on Me. I just love his music at the moment. Dance Moms!! OMG! It came back and it is amazing! Ah! I won't spoil it for anyone, but yeah, loads of drama.

So yeah, sorry for the somewhat boring post, just wanted to post something. I'm going to the beach in a little over a month! Can't wait!


Hehe, so cute!

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