Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Hi guys

Its Valentines Day, and I've decided I hate this holiday. I feel like its a waste of time, couples can just spoil each other on their anniversary. We don't need a whole holiday dedicated to it. Of course this is probably just me being bitter about Wesley and I breaking up. Yeah, thats probably it. I was gonna do a post about everyone I love, like I did last year, but this one was gonna be mostly about him and now it can't. So I decided to tell you guys how stupid of a holiday this is.

It's like a holiday dedicated to people who are in relationships bragging to those who's boyfriends break up with them right before Valentines Day. I mean, I didn't even want him to get me anything considering the fact that he wasn't technically my boyfriend. But still! It would have been nice to say that for the first time ever I wasn't single on Valentines Day. Gosh!

I mean its only fun for kids in elementary school who get to give each other those cheap cards and lollipops. Or for people in relationships who get chocolate, and flowers, and other stuff that's gonna get thrown away. Not that I don't love chocolate and flowers, cause I very much do.

I think the holiday is a waste of time. But I'm sure a lot of you guys love the holiday so I do hope that you guys are having a great Valentines Day while I'm at my house giving mean looks to pictures of Wesley. Mhm, I literally am doing that.

I'm probably being annoying, Valentines Day can be fun and even if you aren't in a relationship I'm sure most of us have friends that can celebrate together. Like for instance my friend Ginny gave me a CD she made that has a bunch of songs about boys and how they're stupid. Well I mean that's not really what the songs are about, at least not all of them. But it was really nice and I feel bad because I totally forgot to get her something. Oops. I'll just give her something late.

I'll stop being annoying now, enjoy this picture of a heart and a dog.

And since I haven't done one of these in awhile. Here ya go.

Happy Valentines Day!

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