Friday, February 15, 2013

Beach and a late Valentines tag

Hi guys!

So, guess what, tomorrow I'm going to the beach!!!!!!!! Obviously it's going to be cold so we aren't going for the actual beach, we're going to hang out, watch movies, eat food, play games, and make a music video which will most likely be posted here. It's gonna be great so keep checking back for it.

I really can't wait! A week of no school and just my awesomely awesome family. It's gonna be me, my siblings, my parents, Evie, Wes and my aunt and uncle. My aunt and uncle are crazy so its gonna be super duper fun!

Anyway, I know Valentines Day was yesterday and you can go here to read my very opinionated post about it, but I found this tag today on my friend Carolyn's blog and I wanted to do it. So lets do this!

1.) What are your thoughts on Valentine's Day?

  Okay, so this year I've decided it was the stupidest holiday ever invented. But in all honesty I think its cool and I'm sure when you actually have a valentine it's tons of fun, but I wouldn't know. I'm just assuming.

2.) Have you ever had a Valentine before?

No...and I don't wanna talk about this.

3.) What is the cutest thing you've ever experienced/seen a friend experience on Valentine's Day?

Personally, I've never seen anything cute. But my sister told me the cutest story yesterday! So they were in chorus and this guy comes in, his names Enrico and his hair is to thick to be guys hair, but anyway, Enrico comes in and says "Since its Valentines Day I wanted to sing a song to my very special girl, Abby" and then he sang to her. Awww!

4.) What is your favorite Valentine's Day candy?

I like chocolate! Hate conversation hearts, but chocolate is good!

5.) Do you have a Valentine this year?

...I don't want to talk about it.

6.) If you were to get a gift on Valentine's Day, what would it be? {Ideal gift}

  Hmm...I think anything would be nice. But honestly, I can never have to many stuffed huskies. And I love flowers too!

7.) If you were to have a celebrity Valentine, who would it be?

Good question. I don't know, I'm not really into celebrities and stuff like that.

So I just wanted to do that tag. As you can tell I'm still very bitter about this. But I gtg keep packing for the beach!!!

XOXO (I'm trying out something new),

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