Friday, March 1, 2013

February Highlights and coming up in March!

Hey guys!!

Can you believe its March?? Crazy! 2013 is just flying right on by! So now that its March you know what time it is!

February Highlights and coming up in March!

February Highlights

  • Valentines day and love, love, love
  • Wesley broke up with me. Should I stop talking about this? I think I should, but I have very strong feelings about this.
  • Bob died. Bob was my Nana's boyfriend, he got cancer.
  • The beach! Fun, fun, fun! I loved it!
  • Orchestra concert
February was a pretty chill month, not much happened.

Coming up in March
  • A month until my birthday!
  • Spring break!
  • Easter!
  • St. Patrick's day!
  • Orchestra Festival!
  • Signing up for classes

I think that's all. Fun, fun, fun times coming up.


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