Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Who are you? What do you want? What are you capable of?

Hey guys!

Today in English my teacher gave us a writing assignment. The assignment was to write about who we are, what we want, and what we are capable of. Basically, what we want to do when we graduate and why we know that we want to do this, or if we don't know what we want to do then we have to write about why we don't know and how we can get closer to finding it. So I decided to write it here so you guys can see it.

Me being me, I know exactly what I want to do so I'll be writing about what I want to do and how I know this.

(I think I'm allergic to my eyeliner, random fact...)

I know exactly what I want to do when I graduate from high school, I've known for a few years now. I started thinking about it when I was in 5th grade, I love animals and originally wanted to be a vet but after finding out that I might have to put animals to sleep I quickly decided I didn't want to do that. So, I thought about starting a dog grooming business, but then I just decided that I didn't want to do that my whole life.  So I really thought about it, I thought about what I loved and what I could see myself doing, and then I knew, I wanted to teach elementary school.

I've always loved little kids and teaching. One of my favorite things to do was to play school with my sisters and brother. One of my sisters and I were the teachers and then my youngest sister and brother were the students. One summer my mom was babysitting a girl who was the same age as my brother and also my two cousins who were the same age as my youngest sister and brother. That summer we played school every time my mom was babysitting and I loved it. I also enjoy helping my youngest sister who is now 10 and my younger brother who is 9, with their homework.

I decided that of all the elementary grades I would love to teach first. I picked this grade because the kids are young enough that you can do fun things with them, yet still teach. My parents find it odd that I want to teach considering the fact that I'm very shy and my least favorite thing in the world is giving presentations to the class. I find it a little odd myself that this is what I want to do, but it really truly is. I want to teach first grade.

I decided this when I was in 7th grade and I still want to do it. I'm usually not good at making decisions but this one is easy. Whenever somebody asks me what I want to do after I graduate I know my answer right away, go to college and then become a teacher.

So on another note, I have a concert tonight! But I'm actually really not excited about it, I mean I like concerts and everything but I have to miss dance for the 2nd week in a row! And then I get to go next week and then the next week I have to miss again because Katelyn has a concert. I don't know why they insist on having every concert on a Wednesday, talk about annoying! But oh well, it is what it is. But I'm bummed because Katelyn wanted to go to dance so her and my mom are missing my concert and Leanna keeps complaining about how she can't go to dance and she'd rather go to dance than my concert. But whatever, I'm cool with that.

And now for a Wesley update. I think I'm finally getting over him. Like, at first I was really just sad and then I was so mad. Like seriously, I yelled at him (in my head of course) so many times during the school day. Like I was just so mad at him, which I still kind of am. But, I don't want him back. He hates me though and I don't want that either. I don't even know what I want, but I'm not gonna lie, I have gone back and reread our messages so many times. Its hard for me because if I think about the bad things he's done I get really mad and if I think of all the nice things, I feel sad. So I tried to just not think about him but that was a fail because of course I see him all over the school. But, I think I'm slowly but surely getting over him and that's good. Although if I had the nerve, I have a lot to say to him. I was thinking about it this morning. Like I wanna say sooo much to him. But I'm not going to. And I'm proud to say its been over a week since I last talked to him and I haven't once messaged him that whole time.

Well, I'm gonna go finish my homework!


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