Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Hahaha just kidding! It's not 2014 yet. Not for like another 9 months. LOL!

What if I typed this all in French? I'm gonna do a sentence. See if you can translate it.

J'ai perdu la meilleure chose dans ma vie.

Did you figure it out yet? Yeah...me either. Haha just kidding. I know what it says. I'll give you a clue the first word is I.

So anyway, I really need to do something. Haha I've been in my room since I got home around 3 and its 6 now. Thats like 3 hours! OMGHHKP!!!

Who remembers what that means??? Oh my gosh hippos have kitten puppies!!!!!!!!

I'm so hyper right now and I have no idea why. I was just like, crying a minute ago.

Haha I don't know. Well guess what. Tomorrow I get to come into school 3 hours late because 11th graders have an SOL. Yay! I don't have to get up at 5:30. I'm thinking about washing my hair but I love it being straight because its all pretty.

Teenage guys bother me. Today at lunch some guy just comes over and says something to me and Ginny, I don't remember what though. And then he left and wouldn't stop staring at me, so I tried ignoring him but it was really annoying. I mean I know I'm gorgeous but gosh...lol just kidding. I'm not a conceded person, that sentence was totally just a joke.

I'm going back to dance tomorrow!!! Yay! I haven't been for like 3 weeks so I'm probably really behind. But its cool, I'll catch up.

Guys my birthday is in less than a month!!!!!!! Of course it has to be the day we go back to school after spring break though. Ew. And I have French and biology that day, double ew. But its okay, I'm gonna be 15!!! I'm so old. Haha. I really want a wrist brace for my birthday. Like the kind people get when they sprain their wrist. I don't know why I just really want one. Haha and I want Ellen sunglasses because that would just be super duper cool.

Man I just love typing. Its so fun when you actually know how to type. Who agrees with me here???

I almost broke my shirt today. Like an hour ago because I twisted my shoulder weird and my shirt ripped a little. Ha oh well. It's a really cheap shirt. Its like super cheap material. And its pink!!!!!

I'm gonna do an outfit of the day, I'm wearing a pink really cheap V-neck shirt, a grey cami, American Eagle jeans, and fuzzy socks!!!! And at school I was wearing my gray boots.

Notice I spelled grey two different ways? Which one is it because spell check didn't catch either of them.

OMG! So it was raining like really hard this morning and my dad drove Leanna and I to the bus stop. And my bus is supposed to come at like 6:50 and Leanna's comes at 6:56 and mine just didn't come until like 7:10 and it was really upsetting. I got wet :(

So you know, I've been thinking lately and I don't have any guilty pleasures...oh wait yes I do. Nevermind.

If I had a time machine I'd go back to this past summer. It was amazing.

Oh my gosh you guys I tots my goats missed my blogs 3 year anniversary :( Well it was on the 10th so ya. I thought it was the 17th! That is so embarrassing!!!!

Haha who else loves these as much as me?! Nobody? I thought so.

Hahahha well I'm gonna go so....


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