Sunday, March 17, 2013

:) :) :) :)

Hey guys!!!

So you know my birthday is in like 2 weeks, right?

Hmm I guess I should tell a back story before I get into this.

Well lets see, my Godparents kinda like forgot about me and its really sad because Katelyn and TJ's Godparents are our aunt and uncles so of course they see them all the time and they're all spoiled by them and stuff. Leanna's Godparents are friends with my mom and she still sees them and stuff. My Godparents were friends with my mom but like they just disappeared and forgot me so its really upsetting.

Well anyway I've wanted a laptop for a really long time now, so my aunt Mary and uncle Tom decided to be like my adoptive Godparents for this year and get me one. Which was sooo nice of them and I love it so much!!!!!

The battery is very low right now though. Haha so I guess I gotta go but I just wanted to tell you guys!


Ohhh real quick, we uploaded a few new videos to our YouTube channel so be sure to check them out and we hope you guys enjoy!!!!

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