Monday, March 18, 2013

No more braces!!!!!!!

Hey guys!!!!!

I got my braces off and my teeth feel soooo weird! They're so straight! I'll try to get a picture up one day but yeah, I just wanted to share.

So to celebrate my braces removal, my mom and I went out to lunch. My dad is the manager of a restaurant so that's where we went and it was super good. I got to meet his boss and eat some salted caramel cake stuff which was sooo good!!!!!

The only reason I'm sad is because this is the kind of thing I would've shared with Wesley and now I can't....

But I have to get over him so, be happy Kylie, be happy.

Well I suppose that is all :)



  1. I can't wait to get mine off! :) I have about another year to go. :P

  2. Haha getting them off is so exciting!

  3. Ahhh I can't wait!! (: What color(s) did you have? I have clear. :}

  4. I had turquoise, lime green, turquoise and purple, hot pink and light pink, red green and white for Christmas, pink black and turquoise and then for the last month I did rainbow.
