Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break day 2!

Hey guys!

So today is our second day of spring break and the day isn't over yet but I felt like posting so I just decided to.

Today is Palm Sunday so we obviously went to mass, well we go most Sundays anyway. I know this is bad of me but I don't like Palm Sunday because its like 10 minutes longer then usual. Today we of course had Father Slowspeak, his name is Father Melmar but he talks SO slow so we call him Father Slowspeak. So because of him the mass which was suppose to end at 12:30 ended at like 12:45 and it wasn't even over when we left. It was just really annoying.

After mass we came home and cleaned up a little and ate lunch and now we're watching the Kids Choice Awards because we missed it yesterday and recorded it. I feel like the Kids Choice Awards is just getting really boring and dumb. Maybe its just because I'm not 10 anymore, yeah thats probably why, but its still getting stupid. Good news is, The Hunger Games won favorite movie and favorite book! Taylor Swift didn't win anything...

Anyway, Leanna's friend Melanie should be here any minute and then at 3 Katelyn's friend Maddie and Leanna's other friend Shaelin is coming over. Who else thinks Shaelin spells her name weird? So yeah, they're gonna sleep over and we might make some movies, maybe not. Or we might play Wii U. Or I might just sit in my room and ignore them. We shall see.

So thats pretty much today.

Oh! I just wanted to discuss a video I saw the other day on YouTube. Weirdest video ever...

Why? Just why? I seriously hope its a joke. Haha

Oh gosh! I have a huge pet peeve to tell you, when people who aren't wearing socks rub their feet across the carpet or couch or something. Oh gosh, TJ's doing that right now and I might have to punch him.

Lol okay well


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