Thursday, April 25, 2013

All City!!!!

Hey guys!!!!!

Yesterday was my all city orchestra concert. All city is when all the schools in our district come together and perform together. It was fun, I think we played pretty well.

It was really weird  being the high school students this year because we were the ones who were greeting all the younger kids and helping to tune and set up and what not. But I really enjoyed myself.

We had a 3 hour rehearsal during school yesterday and then after that rehearsal was my actual orchestra class, so my orchestra teacher was like "You know what. We had enough playing today, lets all go outside and eat chips". I was like "What the heck????" hahah it was weird. But class ended up being fun because everyone just sat around eating chips.

As I said, the actual concert went very well. Every year the seniors give the orchestra teacher a present, well my orchestra teacher drinks a lot of coffee so they gave him a mug along with a few other things, and the first thing my teacher did with the mug was drop it and break it. I was just like "Of course he would do something like that" lol.

Today we had a pep rally and it was okay. I mean, it was kinda boring but it was better than sitting in class and it made all of our classes shorter so it was all good. My English teacher gave me a shirt that was made for the Freshman class so that was nice of him.

In other news, I got my laptop back!!!!!!! I told you guys about how I dropped it and broke the day before my birthday right? Yeah, well we sent it away to get it fixed and I finally got it back! I missed it so much!!!!!

We don't have school tomorrow because of prom, but its also a teacher work day. So I'm glad about that, and then Saturday is mine and my cousins joint family birthday party so be watching for a birthday haul in the next couple of days.

Oh! You guys should listen to Bruno Mars newest album, Unorthodox Jukebox. Some of the songs are a little inappropriate, like Gorilla, and most of them have at least one cuss word. But the songs are really good so I recommend you check it out!

Also, don't forget to check out our YouTube channel, funtimesfour, if you haven't already. We'd love your feedback.

This post looks boring so umm hold on...

Haha, happens to me all the time! I ran out of husky pictures so I decided I'd move on to relatable posts for now. 

Well byeee!

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