Friday, April 26, 2013

I'm so annoyed!

Hey guys!!

I'm so flipping annoyed. My last dance class of this year is May 22...

My last concert of the year is....

You guessed it! May 22!!!!!

I'm sooo annoyed about it because my concert is for a grade so I have to go and miss my last dance class. On top of this, neither of my sisters are coming to my concert because they wanna go to dance. The week before that is Leanna's last concert, and we have dance that day so its my last chance to go to dance, so of course I wanna go but I'm annoyed cause now I have to go alone and Katelyn wants to go to Leanna's concert. Katelyn missed like 3 of my 5 concerts this year to go to dance but she won't miss any of Leanna's. Like what the heck!?! Now, nobody's coming to my concert because of dance and I have to miss Leanna's last concert for dance!!!!!! Ugh! I'm so upset!!!!!!

*Sigh* oh well. Here's a picture for ya

Yessssss!!!!!!!! I hate that!!!!!!

Well I gotta go!!!

Wait...that's not my name. Haha.

There we go....

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