Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ellen socks and sunglasses and surveys! No wait...the surveys aren't from Ellen...

Hey guys!!!!

Guess what!!!!!!!!!!! I have the best neighbors ever!!!! They got me Ellen sunglasses and socks for my birthday!!!!! Here's pictures from the ellenshop.com

OMG!!!!  I almost died, they're so flipping amazing!!! And those socks are seriously, really good quality. So thank you Rods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, now onto the surveys. So for journalism I had to come up with a yearbook topic and then think of questions and make a survey. My topic was best friends. Guys, those surveys were so hard to get. I got some from a few seniors and got answers like this, hold on, let me see if I can decode this handwriting.

How long have you and your best friend been friends?
Since the big bang created the suns and the heavens and thus life was created

Do you and your best friend ever fight? Why? How often?
We fight all the time and when we do the heavens split and the angels sing a beautiful song that melts the brains of possums so then the possum population ultimately die off and we are forced to make love and re-create the possum population which is a never ending cycle every single day.......a day in the life :P

So helpful. Very very mature you guys. Very. Yeah, my journalism teacher told me never to trust senior guys. Ohhh my. It literally took me awhile to read this handwriting. Oh, and then this person writes on the top of his paper "*PUT ME IN YEARBOOK NAOW" and none of that was a typo. Luckily I did get a few helpful surveys filled out so now I'm onto the next step, interviewing! Oh joy. I'm interviewing all girls though so I don't think I'll get stupid answers this time.

Well I suppose I'll leave you off with a picture.

OMG! Too cute! 



  1. yay, some props...finally! Maybe you'll act like you know us:-) I now know the key straight to your heart!!!

    Sending you lots of love Kylie and glad you had a great birthday!
