Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My new book!!!!!

Hey guys!!

So I'm finally getting around to posting about my book. I haven't thought of a name yet so maybe you guys can help. But here's the back of the book.

             Peyton Grey has spent her whole life living in San Diego with her parents. She's always been an only child and she loves every minute of it. She spends most of her time outside of school in her dance studio but when she's not dancing she's riding her horse, Pebbles. She's never had a boyfriend, simply because she's never had the time. So when she starts talking to a super hot, super popular junior, her life turns upside down.

           Matthew Clifford has grown up his whole life in San Diego with his parents and two little sisters. He spends most of his free time working out and playing video games. He's always been the most popular guy in his class and has been dating the most popular girl his class since the 7th grade. So when he starts Facebook messaging a smart, quiet 8th grader, his life becomes a big bowl of confusion.

What do you guys think? Would you read it? For the chapters I plan to do one chapter in Peyton's point of view and then one in Matthew's point of view. Here's the first chapter.


     "So, are you still talking to that junior?", my best friend Summer asked me as we laced up our pointe shoes.
      "Mhm", I said, trying to avoid the subject. Ever since I started talking to this junior, everybody is always bothering me about it. We're just friends, but, because I'm a girl and he's a guy, there has to be something more. Which is completely ridiculous considering the fact that we've never talked in person.
     "What do you guys even talk about?", Summer asked me.
     "You know, random stuff", I said. "Like school, dance, his girlfriend", I said, putting emphasis on the girlfriend.
     "Isn't it awkward though?", Summer asked.
      "Isn't what awkward?"
     "Talking about his girlfriend when you're so obviously in love with him".
      "I am not in love with him!", I said, playfully smacking her with my jazz shoe, "we're just friends".
      "Mmkay, whatever you say", Summer said.
      "Come on girls! Start stretching!", our dance teacher Ms. Ally yelled.
      I loved Ms. Ally. She could be really tough but she was a very good teacher and choreographer.
      Every moment I wasn't in school, sleeping or riding my horse, Pebbles, I was in the studio. I've been dancing at Ms. Ally's studio since I was 2 and I'm 13 now. This studio is where I met Summer and pretty much all of my other friends. The floor I'm stretching on this very moment is the same floor I did my first coffee grinder on and the floor I stood on when I was assigned my first solo. The waiting room right out those doors is where all of my homework assignments have been done and the vending machine downstairs is where most of my after school snacks came from. This studio is my life.
     "Come on girls, sit down around me. It's time for this weeks assignments", we all sat in a circle around Ms. Ally.
     "This week we will be competing at Starbound in Tallahassee. We will be competing with 2 solos, a trio, and a group number. Ava, you will have a solo this weekend.
      I looked at Ava and smiled, she smiled back.
      "Summer, you will have the other solo", Ms. ally said. I turned to Summer and gave her a quick hug.
       "Faith, Madelyn, and Lizzy, you three will be competing with a trio. All of you will be competing in the group", Ms. Ally finished, "Now go warm-up and start practicing".
        When I got home from dance I talked to my mom a little about how class went. Then I took a shower, picked out my outfit for tomorrow and set my alarm for 6:30.
        Finally, at 10 PM I was able to get on Facebook. As soon as I got online, Matthew messaged me.

Hey Peyton!
Matthew Clifford-10:01 pm
Hey! I just got back from dance, I'm exhausted!
Peyton Grey-10:01 pm
Did you get a solo??
Matthew Clifford-10:02 pm
No :(  But Summer did!
Peyton Grey- 10:03 pm
Oh that sucks for you, but good for her!
Matthew Clifford-10:05 pm
Haha yeah. So how was your day?
Peyton Grey-10:05 pm
Awesome! I went to Claire's house after school. I just got back
like half an hour ago.
Matthew Clifford-10:06 pm
Haha. You're always going to Claire's house.
Peyton Grey-10:08 pm
Lol. Well she is my girlfriend.
Matthew Clifford-10:09 pm
True that. Lol
Peyton Grey-10:09 pm
Haha yeah.
Matthew Clifford-10:10 pm
So, what are you doing?
Peyton Grey-10:11 pm
Just playing Halo. I'm gonna start my workout soon.
Matthew Clifford-10:12 pm
What time is soon?
Peyton Grey-10:12 pm
Umm like 10:30
Matthew Clifford-10:13
Okay cool. I was gonna go to bed at that time anyway.
Peyton Grey-10:15 pm
Oh nice. Lol
Matthew Clifford-10:16 pm
Yup lol. OMGosh, Ms. Ally worked us so hard today!
 She made us do 50 crunches!
Peyton Grey-10:17 pm
Oh gosh lol
Matthew Clifford-10:17 pm
It was torture!
Peyton Grey- 10:19 pm
Haha its not that bad. I do 200 every night.
Matthew Clifford-10:20
Well aren't you special haha
Peyton Grey-10:21 pm
I'm very special lol :p
Matthew Clifford-10:22 pm
Yeah. Special needs hahahaha
Peyton Grey-10:23 pm
Hey! Not nice! Lol
Matthew Clifford-10:25 pm
Lol. Kidding, kidding. I'm sorry haha
Peyton Grey-10:25 pm
You better be!
Matthew Clifford-10:26 pm
I am!
Peyton Grey-10:27 pm
Good. I forgive you. Lol
Matthew Clifford-10:29 pm
Haha good. I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight!
Peyton Grey-10:30 pm
Goodnight :)
Matthew Clifford-10:30 pm
Seen 10:31 pm

So what do you guys think? Let me know!



  1. I love it! :D Can't wait to read more :)

  2. Thanks! I'll post the second chapter when I'm done with it.
