Sunday, April 7, 2013

Its like actually Spring now!

Hey guys!!!

I really need to figure out another way to start out my blog posts. So anyway, its like spring now. It was 72° today and tomorrow its supposed to be 79°! I love Spring!!!!

Today I got my first Slurpee of the spring/summer, the first of many.

So umm what else, I have school tomorrow. Ew. I hate school.

I have to do this stupid survey thing for journalism. Ugh! I have to hand out 35 surveys to random people. Thankfully a very good friend of mine and some other person are gonna hand a few out for me so I don't have to do them all.

Oh! We got our lyrical costumes!

I really like it, and the nice thing is, it looks good on everybody. And that girl is really pretty haha.

So I guess that's all you guys.


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