Friday, April 5, 2013

March Highlights, coming up in April!

Hey guys!!

I totally just realized I haven't done this yet!

March Highlights:

  • I finally got over him
  • He started talking to me again
  • He confused me way to much
  • He started talking to me again
  • He stopped talking to me
  • I started thinking I was definitely over him
  • Now I'm not so sure, it doesn't matter anyway. He's going to read this and he shall stay anonymous
  • I got my braces off!!!
  • Last month to be 14!
  • Spring Break!
  • Easter!
  • I got a book idea, I changed the book. I'll share it with you guys later
  • I got a laptop, I then broke my laptop...
  • 3 years of blogging!
Upcoming in April:
  • I turned 15!!!!
  • My parents 16 year anniversary
  • Finally spring weather!
  • Mine and Brandon's joint birthday party!
Wow, I think that's it you guys. More will probably happen though.

Random rant of the day:

I hate it when people confuse me. Like somebody I know, who's still staying anonymous. But I have got to stop thinking and talking about him. Why is this so hard????? Gosh, I know somebody who's gonna think this is about them, but its not. So hahaha. 

Lol, I'm only making sense to myself right now. This is what happens when people confuse me. Oh life.

So anyway, I'm thinking about changing the name of my blog. Any ideas?

Don't forget to check out our YouTube channel! We've uploaded our Spring Break Vlog and my Birthday Vlog. 

Speaking of my birthday, I think I already mentioned this, but at the end of this month I will be doing a birthday haul. So watch for that!


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