Thursday, May 2, 2013

April Highlights, Upcoming in May

Hey guys!!!!

Did you see my birthday haul? Video is down below! Check it out!

I can't believe its May already!! This year is just flying by!

April Highlights:

  • My birthday!!! Finally 15!!!
  • Finally got an iphone!
  • Got to see my schools performance of Jekyll and Hyde! So good!
  • Finally finished the freaking Odyssey. Gosh that book was horrible.
  • Warm weather! Yay!
  • I broke my laptop, but I got it back!
  • I have $520!!!!
  • All City
I think that's all.

Upcoming in May:
  • Brandon's birthday.
  • My aunt Amy's birthday
  • I went on a field trip today. It was boring
  • Cullen's first Communion
  • Pool opens!!!!!!!
  • SOLs
  • My last concert 
  • Last dance class
  • Dress rehersal
  • My cousin Kelsi's baby shower
  • Last full month of school!
Busy month! I can't believe we're in our last full month of school. My freshman year is almost over! That's insane! 

OMG! I can't even explain how freaking true that is for me. Wow. 
I'm gonna do another one just because.

This is me every time my mom yells at me. Or when this guy in my school died...gosh I feel bad about that....


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