Friday, May 3, 2013

My super, duper, amazing cousins!

Hey guys!!!!

I know I did a post like this already but I wanted to do an updated one. I love my cousins to pieces so I just want to talk about each one of them individually.

I've never really had a relationship with you. Probably because you're like 10 years older than me, and you come over to my house to hang out with my parents and our aunts and uncles. I can't believe I have a cousin who is married and about to have a baby! I can't wait to meet Jackson Wesley :) Even though we've never been close, I still love you because you're family.

Here's Kelsi and her husband Adam on their wedding day.

We've never been close, mainly because of the age difference, but we're also just really different. I'll never forget the time you locked yourself in my room and just would not unlock the door! Haha. You're really funny from what I remember of you and of course I love you too :)
This is an old picture but it was the only one I could find.

I miss hanging out with you! We used to be really close. I'll never forget the summers of going to your house with Leanna. I can't believe you're like 17. That scares me, that means I'm getting really old. Ahaha. Well I've always looked up to you :) Love you Robbi.

My beautiful cousin :)
Wow. Where do I begin? We used to be so close, like unbelievably close. You're only 1 month, 5 days, and a few hours younger than me. And its almost your birthday! Honestly, you are like so mean to me sometimes and I miss the days when we were like best friends. Remember when we used to call Leanna an apple and she'd get so mad? Or what about that one summer when Leanna and I slept over at your house like 20 times. I remember all the times going to the water park together or going to get Slurpees. We used to do everything together, I guess we just grew apart because we're so different. Plus you're a guy and I'm a girl. Man, sometimes growing up sucks. I don't see you nearly as much as I used to and we hardly ever talk or anything anymore but I still love you because we used to be best friends and we're still cousins.

This is an old picture but it'll have to do
You, my dear cousin, are crazy. You make up the weirdest stories, like how you're real name is Aubria. You can always make me laugh though and I love you to death. I can't believe you're going to 5th grade next year. That is crazy. 

Sorry about all the old pictures guys :(
I don't have any pictures on my laptop so I'm taking these off of
my aunts Facebook pages. I think this is from like last school year though.

We're not really all that close. You're really strange, I guess it runs in the family though because we're all crazy. You're going into 3rd grade next year. This is all blowing my mind. Time is going to fast. But anyway, love you Cullen :)
I don't know why he was so mad...
I. LOVE. YOU. You are the cutest, funniest, sweetest little girl in the world. The fact that you're 5 and starting kindergarten next year is scary and sad to me. I remember when you were born. We're very close and I hope we're always so close. I love seeing you and listening to you tell your stories. I can't wait to see you in the dance recital this year! I could go on and on and on. I love you soooo much God sister :)

You're the most beautiful little girl ever! I wish I had your hair!
Oh my gosh you're adorable! You are obsessed with Mario and Sonic and its the cutest thing ever. I can't believe you're going to be 4 in a few months. That's crazy! You're so adorable, I swear you get cuter and cuter each time I see you and I don't even know how that's possible. You're adorable! Like, oh my gosh, I can't get over it! I love you sooo much!!!
Cutest little boy in the world
You're adorable! But the first time I held you, you pooped on me and I'm going to hold a grudge on you for that forever. Haha but its okay. I can't wait to see what kind of person you turn out to be. You're probably going to be crazy just like your big sister Aubrey.
This was the most recent picture I could find of you but its only from like 3 months ago.

And this post just wouldn't be complete if I didn't talk about 3 more boys...

You are like a brother to me more than a cousin. You've helped me so much over the past few months and I could never thank you enough for that. I miss you! You need to come to your dads house again soon. I love you so much Justice! Thank you for being like the older brother I needed when I was having boy troubles. 

Boy, you're insane. I love living next door to you, you're so much fun! I can't believe you're going to 3rd grade next year. you're getting too old. I love you so much, you're amazing!

You're so cute! I hope that we end up being as close as Anthony and I are. But there's not much more I can say about you. And of course I love you too :)

This is an old picture, Andrew was like 3 months old here, and he's over a year now. 
But it was the only picture I could find of all 3 of them.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my cousins. I love them so much! 

That is so me!


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