Friday, June 7, 2013

May Highlights! Coming up in June! (Late)

Hey guys!!

I know I'm late on this but I just never really thought to do it. Haha but here are my May highlights and whats coming up in June!

May Highlights:

  • Orchestra field trip
  • My cousin Cullens first communion
  • My cousin Kelsi's baby shower
  • My cousin Brandon's birthday
  • My aunt Amy's birthday
  • My last dance class
  • My last orchestra concert
  • SOL's
  • Yearbooks!!
  • My dress rehearsal for recital
  • Memorial day
  • Mothers day
I think that's all. At least that's everything marked on my calender haha.

Upcoming in June:
  • Dance recital!!!!
  • Pig dissection (We already did this. It was horrible)
  • My aunt Amy and soon to be uncle Ben's wedding! (Its tonight, I'll post about it tomorrow)
  • Last real day of school-Monday!!!
  • My only final which is French on Tuesday and then I'm officially done!
  • Beach, next weekend!!!!
  • Katelyn's birthday
  • Fathers day
  • First month of summer! I'm so excited!
So a lot happening this month! Busy, busy. I'll be sure to post all about it!

Yes I have! And if you google my first and last name the first thing that comes up is my blog and the
second is my YouTube channel. And if you click on images it has screen shots from my videos. How cool is that???!!!


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