Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Throughout the years:9th Grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I finished my first year of high school! How crazy is that?!?!??! It's summer!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, so without further ado, here is my crazy Freshman year.

So I started off this year with a "boyfriend" as you know. Umm as you know, we were never really dating but we were very on and off and we aren't together anymore, as of February 10. I'm not over him, but we're civil now, in fact, I'm talking to him right now. So yeah, I won't talk about him anymore.

Umm lets see, this year my best friend and I got in a huge fight and we didn't talk for like 2 weeks but we're friends again which is good!

This year I took journalism for the first time which was so fun! Journalism is basically a class where you learn the basics of being on either newspaper staff or yearbook staff. So next year I'm moving onto yearbook staff and I'm so excited!!!

I had amazing teachers this year and I made a new friend!!!

Dance this year was amazing, the theme for the recital was, When I Grow Up, for lyrical we were Nuclear Scientists and for tap we were Fire Chiefs.

Umm thats really all I can say. My grades did drop a little this year but I'm determined to get them up next year!

Oh! Also this year my aunt got married and my cousin get pregnant which is awesome :)

This year I got a lot more into YouTube and blogging and stuff. Umm yeah. It was a good year. Now here are a few pictures, just whatever I can find on my laptop.

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Dude, this picture is like my favorite picture ever.

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Hahahaha this picture explains why I love my family.

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So yeah! That was my school year! Don't forget to check out our YouTube channel, funtimesfour, its pretty stinking awesome!

Haha byeee!!!!!!!!!

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