Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Lol when I wrote the title for this post I put the year as 30, ohhh Kylie...hahaha

So hi guys! How have you been?? I haven't really written any posts about my day lately so I decided to do one about yesterday.

My enter key isn't working, ugh.

Okay so anyway, as you may know every Monday and Tuesday during the summer my babysits her friends kids, Maddie and Dylan. Maddie will be 10 in September and Dylan is 13. My mom has been watching Maddie ever since Maddie was born, she'd watch her twice a week, when Maddie started school my mom switched to watching her in the summer. Dylan always went to a day care but when he got to old for that he started coming here for the summer too just because he'd be bored at home by himself. I don't think she'll be watching Dylan next year but she might be watching Maddie still. Anyway, we've grown up with these kids and they're a ton of fun so we love having my mom watch them. So once a summer they'll come over on Monday and then sleepover and stay all day Tuesday. So that day was yesterday.

Leanna also had her friend Shaelin sleep over and Anthony ended up sleeping over as well so we had a ton of kids here but we had so much fun.

We played capture the flag and it was so intense. My team lost :( but in our defense the other team hid their flag in a cable box and that is just not okay because its dangerous and who would look there???

Anyway, after capture the flag we went to the pool until it closed and we ordered pizza to have delivered at the pool and it was so fun.

When we got home we played truth or dare and then we went outside for a little while and played man hunt, then we came back inside and made fun of truth or dare apps because they're just so dumb. One of the dares was "take off your socks", what kind of dare is that????

I swear Dylan should be a comedian because he was just commenting on every dare in the funniest way and we were all dying of laughter. And then Dylan found a joke website and read us some jokes. These two were the funniest...

  • Roses are red, violets are blue, I have a gun, get in the van
That made me laugh so hard like, it starts off all normal and just gets real intense real quick. Hahahaha it was so funny.

  • Why was the little boy sad?
  • He had a frog stapled to his face.
Bahahahahaha OMG! Its just so funny, like its the stupidest joke ever and makes no sense but we were all in tears laughing at it. Hahahaha 

So anyway, after that we played hide and seek in the dark and then we ate food and watched TV and then we played Murder in the Dark. Its a really weird game because like someone is the murder but nobody knows who and the murder just goes around whispering "your dead" in peoples ears. The dead person then lays on the floor until somebody notices and asks them if they're dead, then that person yells "Murder in the Dark" and then everyone comes and gathers around the person. Its just really weird. 

But anyway, after that we all pretty much just went to bed, it was about 3 in the morning. 

We had a lot of fun and making the day even better, my cousin Kelsi had her baby! So welcome to the world little Jackson Wesley!

He's my first second cousin on my moms side, I get to go see him tomorrow and I'm so excited. 

So yeah, that was my day, but now I'm stuck babysitting so I can't take a shower and I really want to. Ugh! Haha okay well I suppose thats all.

love, posts, teenage, teenager post, text - inspiring picture on Favim.com
Okay so I can't even relate to this because I don't get it

See my mom just takes my phone and then reads my Facebook messages, my texts and my everything.
If i'm not near my phone and she is and it lights up she'll read it.
Not like I have anything to hide or anything but seriously, it would be nice if she respected my privacy a little more.


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