Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July Highlights, Coming up in August

Hey guys!

Its August! That's like really bad, I don't want summer to end!!!!!!!!

Anyway, lets do this!

July Highlights:

  • First full month of summer!
  • 4th of July!
  • Wes's birthday
  • Both of my grandmothers birthdays
  • Birthday party for Katelyn, TJ, Wes, and one of my grandmothers
  • Saw Monsters University
  • My cousin Kelsi had her baby!
  • Annual sleepover with Maddie and Dylan!
  • Finished Life of Pi
Coming up in August:

  • Last month of summer :(
  • TJ's birthday!
  • Rollerskating!!!!
  • My moms goes on her buisness trip
  • Dance recital DVD and signing up for dance classes!
  • Going to finish A Lesson Before Dying
Man guys, I think thats it, August is gonna be uneventful. And weird because we aren't going to the beach for like the first time since I can remember. Its gonna be strange. 

So anyway, July was a good month, I don't really want it to be August but I'm just going to accept it haha.

I just realized that my room is a mess! Man, if only you guys could see it.

Teenage Posts #
I have this problem all the stinking time!

Hahahahhaha, I so agree with that!

Man guys, tonight was crazy. Guys complicate my life lol. 


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