Friday, July 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Meemaw!!


I feel bad...

My grandmother's birthday was yesterday and I forgot to post :(

But I just wanted to wish my grandmother, from my dads side, Meemaw, a happy birthday!!!!!

So here's how Meemaw got her name, I always called her Grandma, when Leanna learned how to talk she couldn't say Grandma, so she always said Meemaw. Well my grandmother ended up liking it so my mom said that I should start calling her Meemaw, but me, being the crazy 4 year old I was needed to think about it for 2 weeks, why 2 weeks? Nobody knows. Its like how I wanted to call my other grandmother fashion kitty, what the fudge was wrong with me???? Hahaha

So anyway, I told my mom to tell me when 2 weeks up and she did and I had decided to call her Meemaw, and it stuck. And that, my dear readers, is how Meemaw got her name. However, Meemaw isn't that weird of a thing to call your grandmother.

I love Meemaw, she used to live really close to me but then she moved and then she moved again, to a totally different state :( I got to see her last July and that was the last time I saw her. I miss her a lot.

Meemaw is the one who really got me into American Girl, she didn't get me my first doll but after I got my first doll she got me one every year for my birthday along with their whole collection. This continued for like 4 years before she retired and obviously didn't have the money for that. The crazy thing is that, thats not even all she'd get me, and on top of everything she'd get for me she'd get my siblings things too. She spoiled us like crazy and I just love her so much.

Dude! I'm totally having a deja vu moment, I'm listening to music, Try by Pink and I swear I once typed this post while listening to this song, weird...

Anyway, happy late birthday Meemaw, I love you so much and I hope I can see you again soon! I've been begging my dad to let us fly down there but he said it costs a lot of money but he hopes we can soon and so do I!

Sorry guys, I just went through all of my pictures looking for the one of the 4 of us with my grandmother, but I'm on my laptop and its on the computer :(

Sooo true!!!!

Hahaha yesh!

Love ya guys!

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