Friday, July 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Mamae!

So, I tend to post on my blog in the early morning, like right now its 1:45, so technically its not her birthday anymore, but yesterday was.

Anyway, I just want to wish my grandmother, from my moms side, a happy birthday!

So, here's a back story about why I call her Mamae.

My cousin Brandon, who I talk about a lot, well not a lot, but sometimes, anyway, he's half Peurto Rican. I spelled that wrong, I know. Anyway, he called his grandmother from his dads side Mamae, I'm assuming thats a Peurto Rican word, but I don't know. Anway! I was jealous because I wanted a Mamae, so my mom one day asked her mom if I could call her Mamae, my grandmother said I could call her whatever I wanted. So one day we were in the car and my mom says to me, "You know Kylie, Grandma said you could call her whatever you want, so do you think your gonna start calling her Mamae?" and I replied with "Umm I think I might call her fashion kitty"

I don't know where my 4 year old brain came up with that, but this post would've been titled, Happy Birthday Fashion Kitty! Like no, I was so embarrassing. Hahaha.

So yeah, eventually decided to call her Mamae, so of course my siblings do as well. My other cousins, Aubrey, Cullen, and Hadley also call her Mamae. Brandon, and my cousins Evie and Wes call her Grammy and my cousins, Sullivan, Kelsi and Robbi call her Grandma. So yeah, she has a lot of names. I wonder what Kelsi's baby, and Cheecha's baby will call her...

Speaking of that! Did I tell you that my aunt Theresa, we call her Cheecha, is pregnant?! Well she is so thats really exciting! And my cousin Kelsi should be having her baby in like a week or so, so thats really exciting as well.

Anyway, I just wanted to wish a happy birthday to my Mamae!


Hahaha yeah I'm good!

Have I ever told you that I hate my retainers? Yeah, well I do! 

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