Wednesday, July 3, 2013

June Highlights! Upcoming in July!

Hey guys!!!!!

Can you believe its already July??? Its insane!!!! The year is like half way over! Wowzers, hahaha I'm a loser. K so anyway, here's my June highlights and coming up in July!

June Highlights:

  • Dance recital!!!!!
  • My aunt got married!!
  • Finals
  • Last day of school!
  • The beach!! So much fun!
  • Katelyn's 11th birthday
  • SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!
  • And something else super amazing that I'm not gonna share yet
Upcoming in July:

  • First full month of summer
  • My cousin Wes's 4th birthday
  • 4th of July! Which is tomorrow!
  • More pool and summer stuff
I think that's it, but I'm sure more will happen. 

So, so far my summer has been super fun. The only bad thing is, no Ellen :( How has your guys' summer been? 

Bahahahhahahaha! I don't know why I found this so funny but I did. Lol

Hahahaha it took me forever to understand that!

Hahaha its so awkward!

K well, byeee!!!!!!

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