Sunday, June 30, 2013

I want a hamster! Also, shout out!

Hey guys!

So, I, or should I say me and my siblings, want a hamster, really bad. We have done so much research, we have watched so many videos, we have gone on the PetSmart website and added up everything we'd need and split the cost by 4. We've done research on what hamsters are best for beginners, we know what cage we want, what bedding is the best, how much they cost, basically everything you'd need to know to own a hamster. But guess what, my parents said no! And they have absolutely no reason for it. Like, we're gonna pay, we're gonna take care of it, why can't we have a hamster? I don't get it. We even wrote a 5 paragraph essay about why we should get a hamster, they read it, they didn't even mention it. Like, oh my goodness, parents are so frustrating. All I want is a good reason. Gosh!

Anyway, enough of my ranting, I'd like to give a shout out to one of my best friends Lauren who just recently started a blog! You guys should definitely go check her out, she's hilarious.

And while you're doing that, don't forget to check out our YouTube channel, funtimesfour, room tours will be up soon!

Hehe, every night.

Hugs and kisses! 

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