Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Random rambling!

Hey guys!

Man! I feel like I haven't posted in forever. So I'm just gonna ramble on to let everything out of my brain, cause you know, this is like my diary that I'm sharing with you guys. I hope one day when I have a family on my own I can find this blog and share it with my husband and kids.

So anyway, here are my rambles!

We made a little skit called Spies yesterday and then we also made a behind the scenes video. The thumbnail for the behind the scenes video is seriously my favorite picture ever. I love it so much! I love all of the pictures at the end though so make sure to check them out!

We've also made a few other videos including 6 Little Campers and Katelyns Birthday vlog so check them out! When we get to 50 subscribers we might do a giveaway so help us get there!

So, so far my summer has been going good. Its been pretty uneventful but very relaxing and fun. My dads off tomorrow so we're going to the pool and I'm putting blue streaks in my hair! Hopefully I can get a picture for you guys.

I've been dancing a lot. So far we have made a group dance to Lego House by Ed Sheeran and Same Love by Macklemore and we've also made a trio to Beneath Your Beautiful by Labrinth. All good songs so make sure to listen to them!

So my 4th of July was pretty good, I don't think I ever posted about that so yeah.

I don't know why I haven't posted much this summer. Like, I became lazy this summer or something because I haven't blogged or taken pictures or read really at all. So yeah, sorry about that, although, I feel like nobody really reads this so maybe I'm just talking to myself, who knows?

Anyway, I'm going to message Wesley for the last time in my whole life. Basically, he's a jerk. I'm keeping a secret for him that I wish I wasn't keeping but I can't bring myself to tell anyone. He called me really mean things today for absolutely no reason and it really hurt me, I can't stop thinking about it. He made me feel like crap, he made me feel bad and I didn't even do anything. Seriously, theres something really wrong with him and I don't know what it is but he really changed. I just want to thank you guys for reading all of my annoying posts about him, trust me, I annoyed myself with how much I talked about him. But I'm seriously done now, he's hurt me more than I'll ever be hurt in the remainder of my life. He's treated me like crap for no reason and I'm finally just done. And what hurts the most is that he doesn't even care that he hurt me, I'm done guys, seriously, I'm done.

Now, on a happier note, I really want a hamster! My parents just refuse to let us buy one! Like no, this is ridiculous. I want one really bad!!!! Lol

So, I don't recommend the book Life of Pi, I'm about half way through it and I don't like it at all! Its so factual, like I've learned way more about the Muslim religion and orangutans than I needed to. Haha.

Oh!!! Today, well actually, its 1:20 in the morning so I guess yesterday, was my cousin Wes's birthday. So I just wanted to say happy birthday to the cutest little boy ever! You're adorable, you crack me up, and I love you soooo much!!!!!!!!! I hope you had a great 4th birthday Wes! I can't believe your 4, you're starting preschool this year, its insane.

He's so adorable!!!!!

I was looking through pictures, found this one, and remembered that I loved it so I felt the need to post it. Haha

I'm sooo hungry! This is what I get for staying up this late! Oh! Tonight we beat the Wii U version of Super Mario Bros. It was so exciting! We were screaming so loud, it was so intense. Haha

Well, thanks for reading my ramblings lol. I love writing so I'm glad I'm able to wrote out my whole life story here. You guys are the best for reading about my crazy, hectic, life. 


Every time. I've been hanging out around Leanna's friend Shaelin to much. Shaelin always says same. Haha :P

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