Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Eve Eve!


Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, can we talk about that for a minute? OMG! I just can't even believe it, I am so excited! Ahhh!!!

Tomorrow we have church and then the whole family is going to my grandparents for dinner and presents!!!! I'll probably post again the day after Christmas or sometime around then. And it'll probably just be a link to my Christmas haul haha.

I just uploaded a singing video to Leah_and_Shae so make sure to watch that! And I also uploaded a baking video to Katelyn Kylie, so watch that too!

I was feeling festive today, also this was my last day to wear this because tomorrow I'm wearing a dress and on Christmas we don't get dressed...

We walk around naked...

Just kidding, we just wear our pajamas hahahaha\

Anyway, wanna see my festive outfit? I know you do. And if you don't, too bad, you don't have a choice.

 photo photo39_zps416def24.jpg
So cute right? My shirt has a candy cane broken in half and it says
"Oh Snap" Hahahaha, and you'd never guess, but those are two different antlers that
I wore together. Yayy!

Well, I'm getting hot because my laptop is over heating because I've been on it for like 5 hours, literally, editing videos. 

This is not at all true for me, like I have 50 things on my Christmas list hahaha

I have a funny story about this, so one time Leanna and I were in our room and I had my headphones
in my laptop and I was singing Royals, and I forgot I had headphones in so Leanna was only hearing me
and she recorded it, and then randomly later she started playing it and it sounded so bad because I can't
even sing. Hahaha talk about embarrassing, I made her delete it.

Byeee and since I won't talk to you before Christmas I hope you guys have an amazing Christmas and get everything you wanted!
Kylie <3

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