Monday, December 16, 2013

8 days until Christmas!

Can we just scream about this? OMG! I am so freaking excited, like I can't even.

Like, I just can't stop thinking about how close Christmas is. And to get me even more into the holiday spirit I want to do another holiday tag. I hope you guys don't mind, I just really want to!

So this is...
The Holiday Tag!

1. When do you usually know and feel that it's finally the holidays? 
 Thanksgiving! Especially the very end of The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade when Santa comes out. 

2. What do you want for Christmas this year? 
I really want  a North Face, I also want a new phone case. Nothing majorly expensive this year, mainly the North Face. 

3. Do you go all out with decorations? 
YES! If you'd like to see what our house around the holidays looks like you can check out this post. Or you can watch our "Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time" music video and mine and Katelyn's holiday vlog on Katelyn and Kylie.

4. What are you doing Christmas Eve? 
Okay so on Christmas Eve I get up around 8-9 and get breakfast and then me (15), my sister (14), my other sister (11), and my brother (10), all help my parents clean the house because my mom is obsessed with having a clean house. Then we just hang out and around 2:30 we all start to get ready. We take showers, get dressed, do our hair and makeup and everything, then we attempt to get a family picture, it never really works out. Then around 4:30 we leave to go to 5:00 Christmas Eve mass and its very hectic because I have a lot of aunts, uncles, and cousins, plus my grandparents, and we try to save seats near each other for everyone. So after mass we go to one of my aunts house and we all eat my uncles Stromboli, Costco sandwiches, my aunts meatballs, and other things like cheese and crackers. Plus a ton of cookies and other treats. We all hang out and talk and play around for a bit and then its time to open presents!! So, we start with the youngest two and then keep going up, two at a time, to open all of the presents from my aunts, uncles, and grandparents, its normally about 8-10 presents. After the kids open presents all the adults do their gift exchange and then everyone starts packing up their presents to go home. Once we get home, the 6 of us talk and hang out for a bit. Then around 10 we put out cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer, and we all head up to bed. Oh, I forgot to mention that one of the presents we open on Christmas eve is the one present we get from our parents, and its always a pair of pajamas. Thats the only present from our parents, all of our cousins get them and we all change at my aunts house into them, its part of the tradition
5. What are you doing Christmas Day? 
On Christmas day me and my brother get up at like 5:30 and wake up my sisters and then we all run into our parents room and jump on them to wake them up, but my mom is normally already awake. So after that, my mom goes downstairs with a camera, and video tapes all the presents while saying "Yup, Santa definitely came!" And then she takes pictures of each of our piles and makes coffee and lets our dogs into the backyard. Meanwhile, my dad is peeing for like 20 minutes for some reason and we all stand at the top of the stairs very anxiously. Once we're finally allowed downstairs we all come down while my mom video tapes us, and we find the pile of presents with our stocking in front of it. Once we're settled by our pile we all look in our stockings and talk about what we got and stuff and then we start opening presents. My parents get each other about 10 presents each and we each get about 20 presents from Santa. So we go in a circle taking turns opening presents, skipping my parents every other round. Since there's 6 of us it takes like 2 hours, because my parents stop to talk about each present they get, and its just really fun. We finally finish around 8 and then we eat breakfast which is usually cinnamon rolls and bacon and then we spend the whole day snacking on whatever and playing with all the things we got, as a family. We're allowed to do whatever we want and its great. Then we have dinner, turkey, ham, and my moms baked macaroni, plus dinner rolls and other things. And then we continue doing whatever until we get tired.

Don't know why the last two are highlighted blue, but I put that as an answer on Yahoo Answers, so that's why it sounds like I'm talking to a stranger.
6. It's Christmas time. What are you reading? 
Whatever I'm being forced to read in school haha

7. Favorite movie to watch during the holidays? 
Hmm I don't know, we don't really watch Christmas movies. Although, most years we watch Charlie Brown Christmas and we also like to watch Good Luck Charlie It's Christmas. 

8. Favorite Christmas song? 
Last Christmas by Ariana Grande

9. Favorite holiday drink? 
Hot chocolate with whipped cream, not marshmallows. 

10. How is your Christmas shopping going? 
Pretty okay, I need to get two more presents.

11. If you could spend Christmas Day anywhere else, where would you spend it? 
I just like spending it at home with my family. But I think that going to Disney World during the holidays would be fun, just not on Christmas day.

12. Any holiday traditions? 
Elf on the Shelf. Also, the past few years we have gone to my aunt and uncles house a few days before Christmas Eve to bake cookies. We also do a family gift exchange each year.

13. Favorite thing about the holidays? 
Christmas Eve, going to church with my whole family and then going to my aunt/grandparents house afterwards. Just the build up of Christmas day on the way. But I love the whole thing, the music, lights, everyone's happy. Its just the best.

So that was the holiday tag! Guys, I'm so excited for Christmas. 

Hahahaha, do you guys realize that literally every single one of my 
younger siblings is in a relationship and I'm not? How upsetting is

This couldn't be more true. Hahahaha

Kylie <3

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