Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Guess who hasn't posted in a month, me.

To the few of you who still read this, I'm sorry. It's not that I don't enjoy posting, it's not that I don't have the time, it's not even like I have nothing to post about. I don't even know what it is, I guess I'd rather do YouTube than my blog. But, I started this blog before I got into YouTube and I am not stopping it!

If you do read my blog and you feel let down every time you come to read it and see I have no new posts, I'm sorry. But don't forget, I upload pretty much every weekend on my YouTube channel so you still have that :)

If you have been a member of this long journey I call my life, for awhile now, you most likely know that I live in the basement of my house, and that my basement sometimes gets infested with spider crickets. Now these are not just any little cricket, they don't chirp...well not that I know of, they don't just hop around at night and look cute, no, these are large, clothing eating, crickets.

These things are HUGE! If you have no idea what a spider cricket is, consider yourself lucky. They look just like crickets, the only difference is that they're the size of a freaking frog and could probably swallow you in one bite if they really wanted to. Hahaha, okay well they couldn't swallow you in one bite but they really are only a tad smaller than a frog.

So you know, this morning I was using the bathroom after just waking up and I wasn't wearing my contacts or glasses so I'm blind as a bat, and out of nowhere this large brown thing hops off a wall and lands on my foot. I just knew that it was a giant, frog like cricket, so I screamed, shook it off my foot and just ran. I was literally mid pee (sorry if that's tmi) and I didn't even have my pants completely on, but I just took off running up the stairs. To make matters worse, after I composed myself, I had my 10 year old brother come kill it for me because I was not going back in there, so TJ kills the cricket and later I go in to take a shower and it's gone. Dead crickets do not just move. Naturally, I assumed my mom or TJ had come and picked it up off the floor so I go about my business. An hour or two later, Leanna goes into the bathroom and THE DARN THING IS STILL ALIVE! And that is why I am not going back into my bathroom, ever again.

You know what I hate? Summer reading. Why is that even a thing? This year I have to read this book and then write, not one, not two, but three essays on the book! Who's idea was this?! I'm upset about it! I just would really like to enjoy my summer but I can't because I know I need to read this darn book! Every time I'm not doing anything I think to myself, "Hmm, maybe I should start that book" and then I'm just like "Neh, I'd rather go watch the Shaytards" and this is why I'm going to be failing AP Lit (or Lang, I'm not really sure which one I'm taking) before the school year even starts.

My boyfriend just called me stupid. Jack got a little angry that I told you guys that hahaha, don't worry, he was joking, he doesn't think I'm stupid :) Okay, he was not angry, he was concerned. Sorry about that haha

This summer so far has been fun. We were at the beach for the first week which was a lot of fun. We found out that my aunt Megan was pregnant and so is my Aunt Mary. We've known about that for a few months though. We had a lot of fun in the ocean, at the pool, playing skip bo, doing some shopping, it was a really fun week.

Katelyn turned 12 last month, so happy late birthday to her!

This weekend we have Katelyn, TJ, my cousin Wes, and my grandmother's combined birthday party so that shall be fun! Then the next weekend we go to Hershey Park for my 16th birthday! Which was in April but we waited until now to go haha.

I know I say it every time guys but I really am going to try to post more. Maybe I can start my Sunday rants again or my highlights and upcomings for each month. I don't know, we'll see. But seriously, I upload to KatelynandKylie on YouTube, every weekend so make sure you're subscribed to that so you can still kind of see what is going on in our lives!

Yes! Katelyn always tries to watch me edit and it's so annoying!

I'm pretty sure I've posted this one before and I know nobody
wants to be thinking about school right now, but seriously, everything happens
when I'm not there. Which is a lot because I had over 50 period absences
this year. #Oops #sorrynotsorry

Stay Casual!
Kylie <3 

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