Saturday, February 23, 2013

Beach Feb. 2013

Hi guys!!

So technically we're still at the beach but we leave tomorrow so I decided to just post about the trip now. We've had sooo much fun just being able to chill out and do absolutely nothing for a week. We've just been eating (I've eaten way more than I should have this week), watching movies and TV, playing games, doing puzzles and just relaxing. We walked down to the beach a few times to just walk on the sand and collect shells. You can find the best shells this time of year. Besides that we've left the house twice. Once to go to a few souvenir shops and once to go check out the house we're staying in when we come back with my whole family in June.

We made this music video. It was super fun to make but super time consuming. It took me the whole week to edit and the whole week to get the parts we needed but we had the best time doing it. The video cracks me up, so I hope you guys enjoy it. The song is Thrift Shop by Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis ft. Wanz but it's not the original version because that version cusses a lot. We tried a cleaner version that was still sung by those people but it still wasn't very appropriate considering the fact that we had a 5 and and a 3 year old in the video. This version isn't them singing it and obviously isn't the same exact words, but it works, even though I prefer the original version. So anyway, I hope you guys like it as much as we do.

We had an amazing time! We also celebrated my uncles birthday while we were here so happy belated birthday to my uncle Tom! Oh! While we were at one of the souvenir shops I got a new pair of sunglasses, they're purple plaid and ah-mazing! I love them! I have 6 now I believe.

I'll end the post now.


Also, my siblings and I just created a new YouTube channel. The username is Funtimesfour, look for us and tell your friends!

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