Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring Break day 8!


So, today we cleaned a lot. That pretty much took our whole day. After cleaning Katelyn and I made this video.

I got frozen yogurt which tasted very good but like that was our whole day. Now we're just sitting at the table, I'm blogging, my dads on his phone, Katelyns counting her money, TJ's on his ipod touch, and my mom and Leanna are discussing the phone case Leanna wants.

I find it very upsetting that my parents and Leanna have iphones and Katelyn and TJ have ipod touches. I mean, I have my Kindle Fire and my laptop, but seriously, I'm the only person in my family who doesn't have an Apple product. And you can't even say, "Kylie, you're birthday is in 2 days, you'll probably get an Iphone since Leanna did", because if you said that you'd be wrong. How do I know? Well my grades sucked so bad for so long and they still aren't even good, its like all C's which is horrible. My mom said "Getting an Iphone is off the table" and my dad says "Its not just off the table, its all the way across the street". So yeah, I'm not going to be getting an Iphone. Ugh! My life is like, so bad sometimes lol. I sound like a spoiled brat so I'm just gonna shut my trap now.

Anyway, I wish Ellen would come back, its been in reruns forever!!!!!!

Well I have nothing else to say so...


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