Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring Break Day 9!

Hoppy Easter!

Haha, see what I did there??

So anyway, today is Easter. We got a butt load of candy this morning and then went on a hunt for all of the eggs that we dyed the other day. We almost didn't find one of the eggs, but then TJ found it. So then we spent like an hour getting ready and I hated that dress, it was sooo long!!!!! You'll see pictures in our Spring Break Vlog on our YouTube channel, funtimesfour. It was horrible, and then we went to mass. After mass we came home and did some cleaning and changed out of our dresses and then my aunt and cousin came over for dinner and to hang out. So yeah, that was basically our day. Fun times.

Easter just isn't fun anymore, I guess its more exciting when you're a kid because I'm pretty sure I used to like it but its just not that fun anymore.

So anyway, my birthday is on Tuesday!!!! I'm gonna be 15, I can't even believe it!

So yeah, sorry for my lame Easter post


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