Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break Day 10!

Hey guys!!!!

Today's my last day of Spring Break, its also April Fools Day, and my last day of being 14!

So today Katelyn's friend Sierra came over and our neighbor Anthony. We made a new movie preview which you can see here.

Speaking of YouTube, they scared the crap out of me!!! I explained what they did to Anastasiya over Facebook so I'm just gonna copy and paste it here.

I was monetizing videos on our channel an all of our videos said they were nominated, so I clicked on the button which led me to this video that said YouTube was started in 2005 as a contest to find the worlds best video. At midnight tonight the website would be shut down and would be put back up in 2023 with the winners video and thats it. So basically they said they were shutting down YouTube and deleting all of the videos.

It was really alarming lol.

So yeah, we didn't do much today. Tomorrow we have school :(

I hope you guys enjoyed my daily spring break posts!!! I'll post tomorrow about my birthday!

Make sure you check out our spring break vlog later this week on our YouTube channel, funtimesfour! It'll be up later this week along with my birthday vlog.


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