Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chapter 2! UPDATED!


Hey guys!

I still haven't thought of a name. Any ideas yet?
First I want to warn you that I did cuss once in the chapter. I don't cuss but I was writing from the point of view of a 16 year old guy soo...
Well anyway, here's chapter 2 of my book!


     After getting offline with Peyton I started getting my weights out. My nightly work out was my favorite part of the day. It was a really good way for me to relieve stress and figure out my problems.
     Lately I've been thinking a lot abut Peyton. A few weeks ago she popped up in my mutual friends list so I sent her a request and she accepted. So I figure I might as well message her. We've only been talking for 2 weeks and she never messages me first, but she's really cool.
     I might even consider asking her out if she was a little older and I wasn't dating Claire...
     "Shit! What am I thinking?! She's 13, I'm 16 and I'm totally in love with Claire. Right? Of course I am, I have been since 7th grade," I said out loud to myself.
     "So Matthew, still cheating on Claire," my best friend Nick asked me when we were hanging out one day.
     "Dude, what are you talking about? I've never once cheated on Claire," I said.
     "You know, with that Peyton chick".
     "We aren't dating, we've never even talked in person".
     "She's really hot".
     "Nick! She's 13!"
     "That doesn't mean she can't be hot. Just admit it, she's hot. I know you're thinking it".
     "I'm not saying anything," I said, "I have a girlfriend who I love very much".
     "I know. But she is hot," Nick said.
     "Dude, you sound like a freaking creep," I told him.
     "Hey. I just say what I think".
     "Yeah, well maybe you should stop doing that. Anyway, I gotta go. I have to take Sophia to her friends house at 6," I said.
     "Ugh! You sisters get in the way of everything," Nick complained.
     "I know," I said, "sorry".
     "Whatever, bye," Nick said, walking towards his house.
     "See ya," I said as I walked towards mine.
The next day I spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing except go to the gym for like an hour. But after that I was on Facebook like all day hoping Peyton would get online. Finally at 9 she did!

Hey Peyton!
Matthew Clifford-9:01 pm
Peyton Grey-9:01 pm
How's it going?
Matthew Clifford-9:01 pm
Fine. You?
Peyton Grey- 9:01 pm
Extremely bored and tired
Matthew Clifford-9:02 pm
Why don't you go to bed?
Peyton Grey-9:02 pm
I'll go at like 10
Matthew Clifford-9:03 pm
Peyton Grey-9:03 pm
I'm really hungry
Matthew Clifford-9:04 pm
Then go eat!!!
Peyton Grey-9:04 pm
I'm eating right now lol
Matthew Clifford-9:05 pm
Then how are you hungry? Lol
Peyton Grey-9:05 pm
I just got food lol
Matthew Clifford-9:06 pm
Ohhh well what are you eating?
Peyton Grey-9:07 pm
A peanut butter sandwich
Matthew Clifford-9:07 pm
Oh nice lol
Peyton Grey-9:08 pm
Yeah haha
Matthew Clifford-9:09 pm
So what are you doing?
Peyton Grey-9:09 pm
Playing on my xbox
Matthew Clifford-9:10 pm
Fun, I'm trying not to think about circles.
Peyton Grey-9:12 pm
Lol. Why would you think about circles?
Matthew Clifford-9:12 pm
Because Summer and I were having a conversation
about phobias and it made me think of circles and
I'm having a mental breakdown
Peyton Grey-9:13 pm
Wait, why can't you think about circles?
Matthew Clifford-9:14 pm
Oh. I have tyrpophobia
Peyton Grey-9:15 pm
You have what???
Matthew Clifford-9:15 pm
Trypophobia. Its the fear of clusters of circles.
Like honey combs and stuff.
Peyton Grey-9:15 pm
I'm not gonna judge...
Matthew Clifford-9:16 pm
Lol thanks. I know its weird but I can't help it
Peyton Grey-9:16 pm
I have arachnophobia 
Matthew Clifford-9:17 pm
Fear of spiders?
Peyton Grey-9:18 pm
Matthew Clifford-9:18 pm
I don't like spiders but I don't have arachnophobia
Peyton Grey-9:19 pm
Its getting better though now since I'm starting to kill
Matthew Clifford-9:20 pm

Haha. The other day there was a huge furry spider
on our front door. So we all got different cleaning sprays
and started spraying it. Then we got Katelyn's shoe and
started pounding it into the ground and then Katelyn came
downstairs and felt bad for the spider...
Peyton Grey-9:22 pm

I wouldn't feel bad for it. I would search for its kids
and other relatives and stomp on it so much you wouldn't
be able to tell it was a spider. Some people would confuse
it for rotten mashed potatoes
Matthew Clifford-9:23 pm
Rotten mashed potatoes? And spiders aren't out
to hurt us
Peyton Grey-9:24 pm
I still hate them. If they didn't have so many legs
or so many eyes I wouldn't hate them so much
Matthew Clifford-9:25 pm
Well I won't judge either. But you can't
even see their eyes...
Peyton Grey-9:25 pm

And the fact that they're poisonous kinda puts me on edge
Matthew Clifford-9:30 pm
Only some
Peyton Grey-9:30 pm
They're so gross!!
Matthew Clifford-9:31 pm
I agree. But not as gross and disturbing as circles
Peyton Grey-9:32 pm
Okay. I'm kinda wondering why you hate circles
Matthew Clifford-9:33 pm
I honestly don't know. Its circle clusters. They bother
me so much!!! When I see them I just wanna scream!
Peyton Grey-9:33 pm
You're a freak
Matthew Clifford-9:34 pm
You're a freak!!!!
Peyton Grey-9:35 pm
You're scared of circles!
Matthew Clifford-9:37 pm
True true...
Peyton Grey-9:38 pm
Haha yeah
Matthew Clifford-9:38 pm
Oh! Guess what I did at dance today.
Peyton Grey-9:39 pm
Matthew Clifford-9:40 pm
I leaped into a wall, hit the wall, and fell. Talk
about embarrassing!
Peyton Grey-9:50 pm
Lol what the heck?? Did anyone see?
Matthew Clifford-9:51 pm
Yes! Summer was like "Real graceful Peyton" and then
Ms. Ally asked if I was okay and everyone laughed
Peyton Grey-9:52 pm
Haha did it hurt??
Matthew Clifford-9:53 pm
I smashed me knee on the floor but I do stuff like
that all the time so its all good.
Peyton Grey-9:53 pm
Lol you're weird.
Matthew Clifford-9:54 pm
We had to do crunches. But not just any crunches.
We had to cross our feet, pointe our toes, and do plies
while doing crunches. So hard!
Peyton Grey-9:55 pm
Haha wow.
Matthew Clifford-9:56 pm
Yeah. I'm super tired.
Peyton Grey-9:56 pm
You should go to bed.
Matthew Clifford-9:57 pm
I think I'm going to.
Peyton Grey-9:58 pm
Okay, I'm gonna go too.
Matthew Clifford-9:59 pm
Okay good. Now I don't feel as bad.
Peyton Grey-9:59 pm
Haha don't feel bad. Goodnight Peyton!
Matthew Clifford-10:00 pm
Peyton Grey-10:00 pm
Matthew Clifford-10:01 pm
Seen 10:01 pm

So what did you guys think? I know it was kinda short but its hard writing from Matthews point of view. Probably because Peyton's point of view is what I experienced and I have no idea what the guy who Matthew is based off of felt during all of this. And asking might be awkward and he might get mad...

Also, did you guys think it was to much of their conversation? I tried not to make it to long but without it the chapter would be really short. This was also a real conversation you guys, only a few things were changed but for the most part the time and everything was real. So this book will give you guys a look at what we talked about :)

Let me know what you thought! And if you have any title ideas please let me know!


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