Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My 15th Birthday!

Hey guys!!!

Yesterday was my 15th birthday so I just wanted to let you guys know. I got some awesome stuff from my parents, siblings, and grandmother and then at the end of April I'm having my family party and I'll be getting more then so I'm putting off a birthday haul until the end of April :)

We celebrated the day by going to the Great American Buffet and it was sooo good! I love that place!!!!

I can' t believe I'm 15! I get my permit at the end of this month! That's crazy!!

Guys, its been pointed out to me that I said end of this month. Yeah, I meant year. Haha, I'm so embarrassing.

Yeah, so there's not much else to say.



  1. Happy Birthday! :D

    I got my permit in January (for my birthday). :)

    hope you had a wonderful day!

