Sunday, June 23, 2013

Beach 2013!

Hey guys!

I'd like to apologize in advance that I don't really have any pictures. I just decided that if I got a few that it would be good, but last year I literally spent the whole week trying to make sure I got 200 pictures for you guys and it was really stressful and stuff so yeah. But without further ado, lets get into the trip!


So Friday was the last day of school for Leanna, Katelyn and TJ. That morning my aunt had to go to a dentist appointment so I babysat Evie and Wes for her and then my mom, dad, Evie, Wes and I all went to TJ's 4th grade graduation and then we brought him home. After that we started packing some stuff into the car and as Leanna and Katelyn got home they would help us until everything got packed up.We then ate lunch and waited for my uncle to get back from work and then we left for the hotel we were staying in that night. My dad couldn't come because he had to work on Fathers Day so he was coming down Sunday night.  It was weird because my dad always drives to the beach but this year my mom drove so I sat up front with her.
The 2 1/2 hour drive to the hotel ended up taking 5 hours but we had a lot of fun. When we finally got to the hotel my mom and uncle went to get Wendys and my aunt took Evie, Wes, Leanna, Katelyn, TJ and me to the pool and we pretty much swam the whole night and then we hung out in the hotel room for awhile before going to bed.


We left the hotel at about 9 AM on Sunday to head to the beach and it was about an hour and a half long drive. When we got to the beach we went to Walmart and then we went to a pizza place to eat and then we met the rest of our family and went to another store. After that we went to house and everyone helped to get unpacked and then we hopped in the pool and ordered pizza and just chilled out.


On Sunday we spent the day at the beach and the pool and my mom and my aunt made dinner. For dinner they made pork barbecue sandwiches. I showed everyone my slideshow which you can see down below, and everyone loved it. My dad showed up at about 10 that night.


On Monday we also spent the day at the beach and pool and then for dinner my aunt Megan made Cincinnati Chili which is just about the best food ever! I believe that was the night where we did karaoke which was really fun and funny. This was also the day where we went shopping and I got another pair of sunglasses so I now have 13!


More beach and pool fun. I think this was the day that my grandmother gave my cousin Brandon a bag of chips and told him to chase my mom around the beach throwing them at her because it made birds swoop down at her which was really funny because my mom is deathly afraid of birds. My parents made dinner this night and we had steak, potatoes, and salad.


This was Katelyns birthday, it was also really cold so we went to the aquarium to continue being inside, so that was a lot of fun. My cousin Sarah, and my aunt Amy and uncle Ben left this day and for dinner we had tacos and then my uncle Jake made cupcakes for dessert.


More beach and pool, my uncle made lasagna for dinner and that was about it. It was a pretty chill day.


We spent the whole day at the beach which was a lot of fun. Everyone got in the ocean and we had a really good time. After that we went to the pool and then my uncle and dad went and got KFC/Taco Bell for dinner. After that everyone went to bed and our vacation had ended.


We got up at 5:45, finished packing everything up and got on the road. The drive took about 6 hours and then we were home and man it was good to be home. After we got home Leanna, my mom and I went grocery shopping and got crab legs to have for dinner which were delicious. Katelyn doesn't eat them so we had 5 people who ate 7 pounds of crab legs and probably could have eaten 10 more.

We had an awesome trip. It was so much fun and we're hoping to go for 2 weeks next year. Here's a small collage of the few pictures I had taken...

And here is the music video we made. I'm just warning you now, its not very good at all but its the best I could do with what I had.


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