Friday, August 16, 2013

Business trips, naps, and dying oh my!

Hey guys!

So, I'm just gonna jump right into this post.

You know, well you might know, that my mom goes on business trips twice a year. January, and August, so she left for her August trip this morning. She's in Philly and she might bring me Philly sunglasses if she can find any! I really hope she can because it'll be exciting.

Anyway, so last night I had a dream that my mom died and it was just so upsetting. Like, I woke up in the middle of the night with tears streaming down my face. It was really sad.

Today, my dad was at work and my siblings all went to my grandparents house so I was home all alone! Woohoo! I'm stupid.

Lol anyway, I had tons of fun, I ate tuna, that will now be an inside joke with me and my siblings. Hahaha. And I took a nap. Which I don't normally do, because when I take naps I always wake up and feel horrible. I feel light headed and sick and its bad. But today I took a nap cause I was so tired! And that didn't happen! It was so exciting.

And I listened to Pandora so loudly. It was cray. Lol I need to stop. But legit, it was loud.

And I read for summer reading and I wrote thank you cards for my moms bosses, and I'm getting $100 for those thank you cards and its super exciting.

And then my siblings and my dad came home and they told me stories and we ordered pizza and Leanna and Katelyn made chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting and it was literally the best thing ever.

And then we hung out with our neighboreenos outside and that was fun and my shoulder smells like deodorant lololol. I didn't put deodorant on my armpit...or did I? No, I didn't, seriously, that would be weird. Hahahaha. Lol. I didn't.

So, that was my day, fun, fun, fun. Tomorrow I get to clean! Yay! JK, I hate everything.

That would be so interesting

Sorry for the cussing...but yes! This is so me! Hahahaha

Sooooo, don't forget to check out my YouTube channels, funtimesfour, and Katelyn Kylie.

Peace, love, and ladybugs!

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