Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Rant #3-mosquito bites

Hey guys!!!

Here I am ready to do my 3rd Sunday rant, even though its technically Monday cause it's 2:05 AM. I'm up editing. Blah!

Speaking of that, don't forget to subscribe to funtimesfour and Katelyn Kylie, on YouTube. And follow @katelynandkylie on instagram!

Okay, so now for the rant.

Why do mosquito's exist???? They are literally the most useless bug on the planet, do they even serve a purpose??? Like seriously, they live off of human blood, they don't pollinate plants, what the fudge are they even used for???

And why is there so many of them?! Like all summer long there's just a ton of mosquito's everywhere! What's up with that???

And then they bite you, and they're the smallest, lightest bug ever and so you can't feel them and then they suck your blood and fly away and your left with this big, red, itchy bump.

Or, if you're lucky enough to catch it, you smack it, and get blood everywhere! Its nasty!

TJ had 85 mosquito bites this summer, is that horrible or what????

So to end this rant I have a message for mosquito's everywhere, Mosquito's die! I'll kill you with fashion knives! Hahaha insider.

Lol, okay I'm done.

Awkward....or when something funny happens and everyone laughs and then 
you just can't stop laughing. I hate that so much! Hahahah

This could not be more true!

I'm thirsty. Good thing I have water next to me! Ugh! I hate uploading videos, it takes sooooo long! Lol

I'm gonna vlog tomorrow. Fun!

Kk bye!

I wish I had emojis on here. I love emojis. 

Lol byeeee!!!!!!

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