Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy Birthday TJ! Never, ever, go to Golden Corral

Hey guys!!!!

So today, or I guess yesterday cause its 2:39 in the morning, was my brother TJ's birthday. TJ is seriously the most perfect brother ever. He goes shopping all day and gets nothing, he goes to and from dance all the time with no complaining, when we went to the American Girl Place my dad was like "You aren't having fun, are you dude?" and he said "I'm having fun watching them have fun" and he was like 8 at the time. He's seriously the sweetest thing ever.

Sure, he smells like a boy, acts like a boy, and does annoying boy things, but I wouldn't trade him for the world so I just want to wish him a very happy 10th birthday!

So for his birthday he wanted to go to Golden Corral, none of us had ever been but we were going to try it so off we went. Okay, so we walk in and we had like no idea what we were doing but we were just like whatever and we just like got our drinks and sat down. So first weird thing is that they make you pay before you eat. Like, that's weird, right?

So we all are just kinda like "this is weird and we don't wanna be here" but it was TJ's birthday and he picked it so we decided to just go and get food. Like, the food was nasty. Non of it looked edible and it was weird! So we all got like no food and we're just trying to eat it but it just tasted bad and we were all disgusted. Then my mom decided to get a baked potato, but the butter was just in this big tub and you were supposed to look scoop it out with a spatula. And we all just agreed that that was weird so my mom was like "seriously, if you guys want to we can just leave and go somewhere else but I just can't eat here anymore" so we all just got up and walked out and as soon as we were out of the restaurant we just burst out laughing. It was just such an odd experience, so we ended up going to Buffalo Wild Wings and then we went to a local ice cream place for dessert and we all ended up happy in the end.

So, to sum this all up, do not go to Golden Corral, its nasty and weird and oddly bright.

But ya, over all TJ had a really good 10th birthday, his birthday was also the last day that Maddie and Dylan were here for the summer, which means, this summer really has come to an end. I mean, we technically have the rest of today and then 5 more days. But ya, summer is almost over! Noooo!!!!

Anyway, happy birthday TJ! Love you!!!

That seems familiar...

Teenage Post No
Hmm thats something to wonder about


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